Reflection helper library of the PHP Ride framework.
A helper to obtain a boolean value from various string formats:
use ride\library\reflection\Boolean;
$bool = Boolean::getBoolean('yes'); // true
$bool = Boolean::getBoolean('off'); // false
An interface to invoke dynamic callbacks. It can be used by eg an event manager, a controller dispatcher, ...
The ReflectionHelper class implements this interface to offer a generic implementation out of the box.
The reflection helper offers an easy interface for dynamic programming:
- It obtains the arguments of any callback as a named array
- It creates objects or data containers with named arguments.
- It gets and sets values from and to generic data containers. These data containers can be arrays or object instances.
Check the following code sample:
use ride\library\reflection\ReflectionHelper;
$reflectionHelper = new ReflectionHelper();
// create an object
$date = $reflectionHelper->createObject('DateTime', array('time' => '6 July 1983'));
// create an object for a specific interface
$decorator = $reflectionHelper->createObject('ride\\library\\reflection\\ReflectionHelper', null, 'ride\\library\\reflection\\Invoker');
// get and set properties
$data = array();
$reflectionHelper->setProperty($data, 'property', '1');
$reflectionHelper->setProperty($data, 'sub[property]', '2');
// $data = array(
// 'property' => '1'
// 'sub' => array(
// 'property' => '2',
// ),
// );
$result = $reflectionHelper->getProperty($data, 'property'); // 1
$result = $reflectionHelper->getProperty($data, 'sub[property]'); // 2
$result = $reflectionHelper->getProperty($data, 'sub[unexistant]'); // null
$result = $reflectionHelper->getProperty($data, 'sub[unexistant]', 'default'); // default
// what if we work with objects
$data = new DateTime();
// will call $data->setTimestamp('value');
$reflectionHelper->setProperty($data, 'timestamp', time());
// will set $data->unexistant to 'value'
$reflectionHelper->setProperty($data, 'unexistant', 'value');
// will check $data->getUnexistant2() and $data->unexistant2 before return 'default'
$result = $reflectionHelper->getProperty($data, 'unexistant2', 'default');
// retrieve callback arguments
$arguments = $reflectionHelper->getArguments('strpos');
$arguments = $reflectionHelper->getArguments('safeString', 'ride\library\String');
$arguments = $reflectionHelper->getArguments('safeString', new ride\library\String());
$arguments = $reflectionHelper->getArguments(array($data, 'safeString');
// $arguments = array(
// 'replacement' => ReflectionParameter[...],
// 'lower' => ReflectionParameter[...],
// );
// invoke a callback
$callback = array($reflectionHelper, 'createObject');
$arguments = array(
'arguments' => array('time' => 'now'),
'class' => 'DateTime',
$date = $reflectionHelper->invoke($callback, $arguments);
Implementation to sort data containers, being arrays or objects, on different properties simultaneously.
use ride\library\reflection\ReflectionHelper;
use ride\library\reflection\Sorter;
// generate some data containers
$entry1 = array(
'name' => 'John',
'age' => 21,
$entry2 = array(
'name' => 'Jane',
'age' => 18,
$entry3 = array(
'name' => 'Mark',
'age' => 30,
$entry4 = array(
'name' => 'Tom',
'age' => 21,
$entries = array(
// create a sorter age ASC, name ASC
$sorter = new Sorter(new ReflectionHelper(), array('age' => true, 'name' => true));
// sort the entries
1 => array(
'name' => 'Jane',
'age' => 18,
0 => array(
'name' => 'John',
'age' => 21,
3 => array(
'name' => 'Tom',
'age' => 21,
2 => array(
'name' => 'Mark',
'age' => 30,
You can use Composer to install this library.
composer require ride/lib-reflection