Download the latest source code from:
Or, if you are using git, after you configure your git environment, please use the following commands:
mkdir knn
cd knn
git clone [email protected]:allenlsy/knn.git
This is a eclipse project. You can open the whole project with eclipse using Java project wizard.
To run the program, please ensure that JDK and JRE is correctly configured on your
computer. Then go to the /src/knn
directory in command line(in Windows) or terminal(in
Unix-based OS).
1. To compile the project
javac -d . *.java
sh comp
2. Run
Type java knn.Main
to view the command line help message
3. Report
Report is in prediction.txt.
4. Some Examples
sh comp
java knn.Main
java knn.Main knn
java knn.Main knn dna 5 0
java knn.Main knn dna.train.txt dna.test.txt 5 0
java knn.Main lsh dna 10 10 5 0
java knn.Main lsh dna 10 10 5 0 5 5
java knn.Main lsh dna 10 10 5 0 5 5 d
For any further information, please email [email protected]