The purpose of GeoMagneticModel is to report quantitative estimates of the likelihood of widespread power outages from severe geomagnetic storms.
A flow chart of the whole model is at the very end of this README.
Existing model outputs, including figures generated by the model, may be found in the 'Data/ModelOutput' directory. You may also run to recalculate and replot all aspects of the model, with custom command line parameters set directly as arguments to and with arguments imported from the ModelParams.ods file.
As an example, say you wanted to see a plot of the fraction of high voltage transformers disabled from a 'once per millenium' level storm. You would run:
$ python -p TransformersInDanger -r .001
The -p / --plots flag allows you to easily choose which plots will show. The -r / --rate-per-year flag allows you to choose which rates per year to analyze, in units of years^-1.
Another example is if you wish to recalculate the E field over time and display a plot at a specific MT station. Such a plot requires specifying both an EMTF transfer function site, and a nearby MT magnetotelluric historical magnetic field record. You must supply an equal number of MT and TF sites for the program to succeed. They will be paired up in order. If neither MT or TF sites are specified, the arguments will be imported from the ModelParams.ods file. In this case although the default analysis is for once per century storms, the Efields plots include all rates per century up to once per year, and the --rate-per-year flag will not apply to this plot.
$ python MTsite -p EfieldFits -m VAQ55 -t FRD
To apply a power fit instead of a log normal fit you would run:
$ python MTsite -p EfieldFits -m VAQ55 -t FRD -f power
-c, --conductivity
Use the global conductivity dataset that you placed in Data/BigData/GlobalConductivity/ and save the result as Data/Results/GlobalConductivity/userGC.npy.
The script will always use userGC.npy if it is located in GlobalConductivityProcessed, and if userGC.npy doesn't exist defaultGC.npy will be used instead.
-m, --mt-site
Import data from magnetotelluric sites placed in BigData/MTsites and use as basis for data fit.
A csv matching TFsites to MTsites is required for the program to run.
Module | Description |
TFsite | Allow estimation of geoelectric field near MTsites using electromagnetic transfer function (EMTF) ground measurements. |
MTsite | Provide data over time for EW and NS magnetic field, and use TF sites to calculate corresponding geoelectric fields. |
GCmodel | Importing the global conductivity model and determing apparent conductivity allows estimation of variation of geoelectric field over the earth by modelling global ground resistance. Process the global conductivity model into useful results. |
GIC_Model | Implementation of the GIC calculation was performed using the open-source GEOMAGICA package with minor modifications to allow for arbitrary geolocation. See |
PowerGrid | Very simple model of global power grid, countries and populations affected by outages. Provides fit function to the MT site data to with duration and repeat rate based field level at a site. |
- TFsite
importZ(path, row, column)
:imports impedance for the site at frequency specified by row, column
:use impedance Z to calculate the apparent conductivity at the site, at frequency w
- MTsite:
:imports the magnetic field record from the netcdf in a sample set of indices of interest
:calculate the E field at the MT site given the transfer function site impedances as a function of frequency
:for the particular MT site, what is the repeat rate for fields up to the maxrate specified (default 1 per year max rate)
:return a lognormal fit for a given plot
- GCmodelGenerate:
:calculate ground impedance for a single location in a 1d layered earth model.
:calculate apparent conductivity from ground impedance
generateApparentConductivityMap(latInterval,longInterval, w, name=)
:generate apparent conductivity at each location for a frequency and save result into convenient compact file format
- GCmodelProcess:
- Maglat
The environment setup was tested with mamba. If you use conda, it may be too slow, although there may be a new release which makes conda work fast enough (untested).
So first, install mamba. Then create the python environment with the following commands.
The installation has been tested with python versions 3.7 and 3.9.
mamba env create -n geomagmodel --file environment.yml
mamba activate geomagmodel
- Get global conductivity model from
- Put that file in Data/BigData/ (you need to make this directory yourself).
- Rename it to
. - Make a Data/BigData/Networks directory.
- Get a poly file from
- Rename it to pfile.poly and put in an appropriate folder (see below).
- For example to run the model for Estonia we need this file
- Get transnet-model file(s) from and put them in an appropriate folder (see below).
- For Estonia, we need those files:
- Make sure you have
directories one level UP from the root of geomagnetic models, with appropriate files in them, see example.- For the Estonia example you want this kind of directory structure:
|-- GeomagneticModelWrapperDirectory | |-- GeomagneticModel (this is the folder this README is in) | | |-- Data | | | |-- BigData | | | | |-- GCmodel.mat | | |-- ... | |-- transnet | | |-- data | | | |-- europe | | | | |-- estonia | | | | | |-- pfile.poly | | |-- configs | | | |-- estonia | |-- transnet-models | | |-- europe | | | |-- estonia | | | | |-- cim.xml | | | | |-- ...
Example 1.
python PowerGrid Region --continent europe --country estonia -r 0.01
Example 2.
It is recommended to run Example 1. for all continents (skip the --country
parameter) before this.
python PowerGrid WorldNetwork -r 0.01
Example 3.
python PowerGrid compareGICresults --continent europe --country estonia -r 0.01
Example 4.
python PowerGrid LoadRegionE --continent europe --country estonia -r 0.01
Example 1.
- prints some info to stdout
- saves some data to Data/SmallData/Networks/estonia/linesData.npy
- saves some data to Data/SmallData/Networks/estonia/voltageData.npy
- saves some data to Data/SmallData/Networks/estonia/analyzedNodes.npy
- saves some data to Data/SmallData/Networks/estonia/gics0.01perYear.npy
- saves some data to Data/SmallData/Networks/estonia/allStationRegions.pkl
- displays a plot of Estonia's power grid
- displays a plot of the E field over Estonia
- displays a plot of GICs in Estonia
- saves a power grid plot to Data/SmallData/Figures/Regions/estonia/Network.png
- saves a plot of E field to Data/SmallData/Figures/Regions/estonia/0.01peryearE.png
- saves a plot of GICs to Data/SmallData/Figures/Regions/estonia/0.01peryearGIC.png
- saves a plot of power outages to Data/SmallData/Figures/0.01peryearOutage.png, WARNING: file path collision
- saves a plot of overheating transformers to Data/SmallData/Figures/0.01peryearOverheat.png, WARNING: file path collision
- produces results like in Example 2., but only for the specified region instead of globally
Example 2.
- prints some info to stdout
- displays a plot of substations at risk of electricity loss for the whole world. Note: Colour bar is an overkill, result is binary: outage or no outage per sector.
- displays a plot of predicted electricity loss (as a fraction: amount lost over total consumption) by country.
- saves the first plot to Data/SmallData/Figures/0.01peryearOutage.png. WARNING: collision without other plots of this kind, see Example 1.
- saves the second plot to Data/SmallData/Figures/0.01fraction_electr_lost.png. WARNING: collision without other plots of this kind, see Example 1.
- creates CELEpop_0.01.pkl file
Warning: Russia is most likely counted twice as possibly other regions. The reason being that Russia is its own region in the transnet model and it is considered as a part of Europe. This is addressed in Example 1. but not here.
Example 3.
Compares GICs computed for the given continent (here, Europe) and country (here, Estonia). The check is whether the continent creates longer currents. It should because the longer the power line, the more current is created by induction. Thus, the comparison should show more GIC in the continent than the country.
- prints some info to stdout
- displays a plot of stations latitudes; x=continent, y=country
- displays a plot of stations longitudes; x=continent, y=country
- displays a plot of stations voltages; x=continent, y=country
- displays a plot of stations detected GICs; x=country, y=continent
Example 4.
- prints some info to stdout
- saves some data to Data/SmallData/Networks/estonia/linesData.npy
- saves some data to Data/SmallData/Networks/estonia/voltageData.npy
- displays a plot of Estonia's power grid
- displays a plot of the E field over Estonia
- saves a power grid plot to Data/SmallData/Figures/Regions/estonia/Network.png
As in the PowerGrid section, except needed files are to be put in:
and the needed files are
where instead of [xxx]
it's the MT site names listed in ModelParams.ods
in the sheet named Params for each TF and MT site
, and column names of all the MTsites used in the model
. E.g., FRN.netcdf
This data can be acquired from the SuperMAG project.
It is also necessary to create this folder:
Example 1.
python MTsite calcEfields
Example 2.
python MTsite calcRecurrence
Example 3.
It is recommended to run Examples 1. and 2. before this.
python --plots StormRecurrence
Example 4.
It is recommended to run Examples 1. and 2. before this.
python --plots EvsDuration
Example 1.
- creates *.npy files in
with E field data for each MT site.
Example 2.
- writes *.npy files to
Example 3.
- displays a plot of the rate of storms per year as a function of geoelectric field for the available MT sites
Example 4.
- displays a plot of peak geoelectric pulse ratios for each MT site
Add link to the article.
- Set up the environment as prescribed in previous sections
- Run in order:
python TFsite
python MTsite
python GCmodel
python EarthModel
python PowerGrid Region --continent europe -r 0.01
- "europe" can be substituted with "north-america"
- "0.01" can be subtituted with 0.1, 0.001, and 0.0001; this is the rate of storm recurrence
Each time this is run one must reade the values of CELE from the output (stdout) and manually write them into
Then, run
python PowerGrid Region --continent europe -r 0.0001
This file will be created:
Move it to
For Fig. 5 replace "europe" with "north-america" in the first command and "northamerica" in the file name to which we move the output file.