This SDK Allows you to interface with the LiquifyNFT NFT Aggregator to provide your users the best price to instantly sell any NFT in any token.
All LiquifyNFT functions can be called directly via API for users not wishing to use the TS package
- TODO GenDoc
const nft = ""
const inputMint = ""
const aToB = true //nftToToken
const outputMint = ""
const slippage = 0.5
const walletAddress = ""
postQuote(new QuoteRequest(nft, inputMint, outputMint, aToB, slippage, walletAddress)).then(r => {
if (r.error) {
//Handle Err
//We have our route - commit to store & start refreshing
console.log("Available routes", r.routes)
const walletAddress = new web3.PublicKey("0x0")
const selectedRoute = {} //Route from your quote
const priorityFee = 100 //Custom priority fee
const resp = await postSwap(new SwapRequest(selectedRoute, walletAddress, priorityFee))
if (resp.error) {
console.error("Swap failed", resp.error)
//Handle err
//Convert our raw txns into VersionedTransactions
const txns = resp.toTransactions()
//If we can use the `signAllTransactions` method on the wallet - this is preferred to improve UX
if (wallet.signAllTransactions) {
const signedTxns = await useWallet().signAllTransactions(txns)
for (let i = 0; i < signedTxns.length; i++) {
let sig = await this.con.sendRawTransaction(signedTxns[i].serialize(), {
preflightCommitment: "confirmed",
skipPreflight: false
if (!sig) {
//Handle err
return //Should bail as any other txns will fail after
//Handle success
} else {
//Send 1 by 1
for (let i = 0; i < txns.length; i++) {
let sig = await useWallet().sendTransaction(txns[i], this.con, {
preflightCommitment: "confirmed",
skipPreflight: false
if (!sig) {
//Handle err
return //Should bail as any other txns will fail after
//Handle success
//All Txns Sent
console.log("Swap Complete")