[] (https://travis-ci.org/alphagov/pp-puppet)
This repository is no longer maintained. The Performance Platform was merged into GOV.UK's infrastructure mid-2015 and is since using GOV.UK's main Puppet code base.
This repository contains the Puppet code and Vagrant definitions to provision environments for the Performance Platform.
As well as definitions for the specific type of machines we use on the Performance Platform,
there is a development-1
machine which you can use to run all our services on one VM. See
the development/
directory for more information.
You will need access to these repositories:
(the one you're in)pp-deployment
for secrets when provisioning real environments
No secret data (keys, certificates, your inside leg measurement) should be
committed to this repo. Anything in here is in the public domain and should only be used for
test environments. Secret data for real environments should be in the pp-deployment
and will be combined with this when deploying real machines.
You'll need Vagrant installed on your machine to manage local VMs.
You'll also need a provider for your virtual machines. Virtualbox
is what most of the Performance Platform use, but VMware
should also work. For VirtualBox, you need an exact version for which there exists a
machine image in $boxVersions
in the Vagrantfile. At the time of
writing this means 4.3.6r91406 or 4.3.8r92456 but more may be added in the future.
Mixing versions of VirtualBox and guest additions is unsupported.
We recommend that you use Ruby 1.9 through rbenv, which may be a newer version than your system one. Boxen can set this up for you, or alternatively you can read about how to do it yourself using Homebrew or with instructions from @dcarley.
Before bringing any machines up, you will need to install all the required gems.
You'll need bundler to be installed:
gem install bundler
rbenv rehash # if you're using rbenv
Then run these commands from the host machine from inside this repo's directory:
bundle install --without NONEXISTENT
bundle exec librarian-puppet install
The intention is that this repo refers to external well-tested modules via the Puppetfile.
Given that, the tests for the Puppet code in the manifests
directory are deliberately minimal.
Running bundle exec rake test
- Check that no nasty lint has been introduced into the Puppet code
- Run rspec-puppet to test that the individual machine manifests compile
- Check that the Puppetfile does not contain any references to
style URLs
You need only bring up the subset of nodes that you're working on. For example, to bring up a frontend and backend:
vagrant up jumpbox-1 frontend-app-1
Vagrant will run Puppet against the node when it boots up.
Nodes should look almost identical to that of a real environment, including
network addresses. To access a node's services like HTTP/HTTPS you can point
your hosts
file to the host-only IP address (eth1).
Physical attributes like memory
and num_cores
will be ignored because
they don't scale appropriately to local VMs (especially when running 10 of them)
To improve the performance of your vm, you might want to do the following
Install the vagrant cachier plugin - this caches downloaded deb packages so subsequent vm builds are faster. It is configured in the Vagrantfile
vagrant plugin install vagrant-cachier
Increase memory / cpu of vagrant boxes - create a file
and add the following contents
Vagrant.configure(VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION) do |config|
config.vm.provider :virtualbox do |vb, override|
vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--memory", "2048", "--cpus", "2"]
or if using vmware
Vagrant.configure(VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION) do |config|
config.vm.provider "vmware_fusion" do |v|
v.vmx["memsize"] = "2048"
v.vmx["numvcpus"] = "2"
You can adjust memory and number of cpus as needed.
MongoDB Replicaset configuration requires that all nodes are up and running Mongo first, on initialisation, each node will background a job for 2 minutes later to configure the replicaset. This means that it may take a couple of minutes after the last mongo node is provisioned before the replicaset is available. If it doesn't work, then simply triggering provisioning on a node with the following command and then waiting 2 minutes should make it work.
vagrant provision mongo-1
To verify that mongo is working, do vagrant ssh mongo-1
, run mongo
and then issue the
command rs.isMaster()
- you should see output something like this:
production:SECONDARY> rs.isMaster()
"setName" : "production",
"ismaster" : false,
"secondary" : true,
"hosts" : [
"primary" : "mongo-1:27017",
"me" : "mongo-2:27017",
"maxBsonObjectSize" : 16777216,
"maxMessageSizeBytes" : 48000000,
"localTime" : ISODate("2013-05-25T14:11:09.095Z"),
"ok" : 1
Machines are configured according to the class
as configured in manifests/machines/${class}.pp
. Machines should
be configured to inherit the base class (performanceplatform::base
) for definitions that apply to all machines (eg hosts, users).
class machines::jumpbox inherits machines::base {
notify { 'Included the Jumpbox class': }
It is important to also create the proper /etc/hosts
entry for this machine on all the other machines. This can
be accomplished by extending the performanceplatform::dns::hosts
section of hieradata/common.yaml
with a definition for your new host:
It is expected that additional resources that are not already defined as native Puppet types will be utilised by
including external modules with librarian-puppet
from the Puppet Forge. An example of this is UFW:
grep ufw ./Puppetfile # => mod 'attachmentgenie/ufw'
# hieradata/common.yaml
# hieradata/role-frontend-app.yaml
port: 80
ip: 'any'
On that note, when configuring software which listens on network ports, don't forget to add an appropriate firewall rule with UFW!
User accounts are managed in hieradata/common.yaml
. They look like this:
comment: Joe Bloggs
ssh_key: AAAAB3NzaC1yc2...
- admin
Some errors that you might encounter...
[frontend-1] Mounting NFS shared folders...
Mounting NFS shared folders failed. This is most often caused by the NFS
client software not being installed on the guest machine. Please verify
that the NFS client software is properly installed, and consult any resources
specific to the linux distro you're using for more information on how to do this.
This seems to be caused by a combination of OS X, VirtualBox, and Cisco AnyConnect. Try temporarily disconnecting from the VPN when bringing up a new node. As a last resort, restarting your machine may help.
[modules/performanceplatform:master]$ vagrant up jumpbox-1.management
There was a problem with the configuration of Vagrant. The error message(s)
are printed below:
* Config file not found at '/Users/sam/Projects/gds/pp-puppet/manifests/machines/config/hiera/hiera.yaml'.
* Data directory not found at '/Users/sam/Projects/gds/pp-puppet/manifests/machines/config/hiera/data'.
This simply means you are not in the root directory (where the Vagrantfile
lives), just cd
there and you will be fine.