Hangman template and step-by-step instructions for beginners and small assignment to get comfortable with loops
You will find two main files here 1) Assignment and 2) Hangman
These files are meant for Python beginners and those who are slightly familiar with Python but have experience in other programming languages
Try the assignment first to get comfortable with syntaxes and logic in Python
hangman_template.py: Try building the hangman game from the template. It also has detailed instructions specifically directed towards beginners. Programmers with intermediate knowledge can use the algorithm at the beginning of the Python file to build their own version of the game.
The word file used for the hangman program is sourced from: http://www-01.sil.org/linguistics/wordlists/english/wordlist/wordsEn.txt The Python program also mentions this specifically
The final file (hangman_game.py) is my version of Hangman that's built based on the template. UPDATE: I have removed this file for now. I'll add it on Tuesday next week.
NOTE: Do try and implement the game using the template file before you open this file to see the code for the game. You can however, play the game using this file to see how it works out.