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hadrian: optimise Rules.Compile
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Previously, as reported in #15938, resuming a build "in the middle",
e.g when building _build/stage1/libraries/base/, hadrian would take up to
a whole minute to get started doing actual work, building code.

This was mostly due to a big enumeration that we do in Rules.hs, to generate
all the possible patterns for object files for 1) all ways, 2) all packages
and 3) all stages. Since rule enumeration is always performed, whatever the
target, we were always paying this cost, which seemed to grow bigger the
farther in the build we stopped and were resuming from.

Instead, this patch borrows the approach that we took for Rules.Library in
snowleopard/hadrian#571, which exposes all the
relevant object files under as few catch-all rules as possible (8 here),
and parses all the information we need out of the object's path.

The concrete effect of this patch that I have observed is to reduce the
45-60 seconds pause to <5 seconds. Along with the Shake performance
improvements that Neil mentions in #15938, most of the pause should
effectively disappear.
  • Loading branch information
alpmestan committed Dec 4, 2018
1 parent a8b7cef commit 00e5cbf
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Showing 3 changed files with 214 additions and 46 deletions.
13 changes: 2 additions & 11 deletions hadrian/src/Rules.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -94,18 +94,9 @@ packageRules = do
let readPackageDb = [(packageDb, 1)]
writePackageDb = [(packageDb, maxConcurrentReaders)]

let contexts = liftM3 Context allStages knownPackages allWays
vanillaContexts = liftM2 vanillaContext allStages knownPackages
let vanillaContexts = liftM2 vanillaContext allStages knownPackages

-- TODO: we might want to look into converting more and more
-- rules to the style introduced in Rules.Library in
-- where "catch-all" rules are used to "catch" the need
-- for library files, and we then use parsec parsers to
-- extract all sorts of information needed to build them, like
-- the package, the stage, the way, etc.

forM_ contexts (Rules.Compile.compilePackage readPackageDb)
Rules.Compile.compilePackage readPackageDb

Rules.Program.buildProgram readPackageDb

Expand Down
213 changes: 189 additions & 24 deletions hadrian/src/Rules/Compile.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,34 +6,199 @@ import Base
import Context
import Expression
import Rules.Generate
import Rules.Library
import Settings
import Settings.Default
import Target
import Utilities

compilePackage :: [(Resource, Int)] -> Context -> Rules ()
compilePackage rs context@Context {..} = do
import qualified Text.Parsec as Parsec

-- * Rules for building objects

compilePackage :: [(Resource, Int)] -> Rules ()
compilePackage rs = do
root <- buildRootRules
let dir = root -/- buildDir context
nonHs extension = dir -/- extension <//> "*" <.> osuf way
compile compiler obj2src obj = do
src <- obj2src context obj
need [src]
needDependencies context src $ obj <.> "d"
buildWithResources rs $ target context (compiler stage) [src] [obj]
compileHs = \[obj, _hi] -> do
path <- contextPath context
(src, deps) <- lookupDependencies (path -/- ".dependencies") obj
need $ src : deps
needLibrary =<< contextDependencies context
buildWithResources rs $ target context (Ghc CompileHs stage) [src] [obj]

priority 2.0 $ do
nonHs "c" %> compile (Ghc CompileCWithGhc) (obj2src "c" $ const False )
nonHs "cmm" %> compile (Ghc CompileHs) (obj2src "cmm" isGeneratedCmmFile)
nonHs "s" %> compile (Ghc CompileHs) (obj2src "S" $ const False )

-- TODO: Add dependencies for #include of .h and .hs-incl files (gcc -MM?).
[ dir <//> "*" <.> suf way | suf <- [ osuf, hisuf] ] &%> compileHs
[ dir <//> "*" <.> suf way | suf <- [obootsuf, hibootsuf] ] &%> compileHs

-- We match all file paths that look like:
-- <root>/...stuffs.../build/...stuffs.../<something>.<suffix>
-- where:
-- - the '...stuffs...' bits can be one or more path components,
-- - the '<suffix>' part is a way prefix (e.g thr_p_, or nothing if vanilla)
-- followed by an object file extension, without the dot (o, o-boot, hi,
-- hi-boot)
-- and parse the information we need (stage, package path, ...) from
-- the path and figure out the suitable way to produce that object file.
objectFilesUnder root |%> \path -> do
obj <- parsePath (parseBuildObject root) "<object file path parser>" path
compileObject rs path obj

objectFilesUnder r = [ r -/- ("**/build/**/*" ++ pat)
| pat <- extensionPats

exts = [ "o", "hi", "o-boot", "hi-boot" ]
patternsFor e = [ "." ++ e, ".*_" ++ e ]
extensionPats = concatMap patternsFor exts

-- * Object file paths types and parsers

-- | Non Haskell source languages that we compile to get object files.
data SourceLang = Asm | C | Cmm
deriving (Eq, Show)

parseSourceLang :: Parsec.Parsec String () SourceLang
parseSourceLang = Parsec.choice
[ Parsec.char 'c' *> Parsec.choice
[ Parsec.string "mm" *> pure Cmm
, pure C
, Parsec.char 's' *> pure Asm

type Basename = String

parseBasename :: Parsec.Parsec String () Basename
parseBasename = Parsec.manyTill Parsec.anyChar (Parsec.try $ Parsec.char '.')

-- | > <c|cmm|s>/<file>.<way prefix>_o
data NonHsObject = NonHsObject SourceLang Basename Way
deriving (Eq, Show)

parseNonHsObject :: Parsec.Parsec String () NonHsObject
parseNonHsObject = do
lang <- parseSourceLang
_ <- Parsec.char '/'
file <- parseBasename
way <- parseWayPrefix vanilla
_ <- Parsec.char 'o'
return (NonHsObject lang file way)

-- | > <o|hi|o-boot|hi-boot>
data SuffixType = O | Hi | OBoot | HiBoot
deriving (Eq, Show)

parseSuffixType :: Parsec.Parsec String () SuffixType
parseSuffixType = Parsec.choice
[ Parsec.char 'o' *> Parsec.choice
[ Parsec.string "-boot" *> pure OBoot
, pure O
, Parsec.string "hi" *> Parsec.choice
[ Parsec.string "-boot" *> pure HiBoot
, pure Hi

-- | > <way prefix>_<o|hi|o-boot|hi-boot>
data Extension = Extension Way SuffixType
deriving (Eq, Show)

parseExtension :: Parsec.Parsec String () Extension
parseExtension =
Extension <$> parseWayPrefix vanilla <*> parseSuffixType

-- | > <file>.<way prefix>_<o|hi|o-boot|hi-boot>
data HsObject = HsObject Basename Extension
deriving (Eq, Show)

parseHsObject :: Parsec.Parsec String () HsObject
parseHsObject = do
file <- parseBasename
ext <- parseExtension
return (HsObject file ext)

data Object = Hs HsObject | NonHs NonHsObject
deriving (Eq, Show)

parseObject :: Parsec.Parsec String () Object
parseObject = Parsec.choice
[ NonHs <$> parseNonHsObject
, Hs <$> parseHsObject

-- * Toplevel parsers

parseBuildObject :: FilePath -> Parsec.Parsec String () (BuildPath Object)
parseBuildObject root = parseBuildPath root parseObject

-- * Getting contexts from objects

objectContext :: BuildPath Object -> Action Context
objectContext (BuildPath _ stage pkgpath obj) = do
pkg <- getPackageFromPath pkgpath
return (Context stage pkg way)

where way = case obj of
NonHs (NonHsObject _lang _file w) -> w
Hs (HsObject _file (Extension w _suf)) -> w

getPackageFromPath path = do
pkgs <- getPackages
case filter (\p -> pkgPath p == path) pkgs of
(p:_) -> return p
_ -> error $ "couldn't find a package with path: " ++ path

getPackages = do
pkgs <- stagePackages stage
testPkgs <- testsuitePackages
return $ pkgs ++ if stage == Stage1 then testPkgs else []

-- * Building an object

:: [(Resource, Int)] -> FilePath -> BuildPath Object -> HsObject -> Action ()
compileHsObject rs objpath b@(BuildPath _root stage _path _o) hsobj =
case hsobj of
HsObject _basename (Extension _way Hi) ->
need [ change "hi" "o" objpath ]
HsObject _basename (Extension _way HiBoot) ->
need [ change "hi-boot" "o-boot" objpath ]
HsObject _basename (Extension _way _suf) -> do
ctx <- objectContext b
ctxPath <- contextPath ctx
(src, deps) <- lookupDependencies (ctxPath -/- ".dependencies") objpath
need (src:deps)
needLibrary =<< contextDependencies ctx
buildWithResources rs $ target ctx (Ghc CompileHs stage) [src] [objpath]

where change oldSuffix newSuffix str
| not (oldSuffix `isSuffixOf` str) = error $ "compileHsObject.change: " ++ oldSuffix ++ " not a suffix of " ++ str
| otherwise = take (length str - length oldSuffix) str
++ newSuffix

:: [(Resource, Int)] -> FilePath -> BuildPath Object -> NonHsObject -> Action ()
compileNonHsObject rs objpath b@(BuildPath _root stage _path _o) nonhsobj =
case nonhsobj of
NonHsObject lang _basename _way ->
go (builderFor lang) (toSrcFor lang)

where builderFor C = Ghc CompileCWithGhc
builderFor _ = Ghc CompileHs

toSrcFor Asm = obj2src "S" (const False)
toSrcFor C = obj2src "c" (const False)
toSrcFor Cmm = obj2src "cmm" isGeneratedCmmFile

go builder tosrc = do
ctx <- objectContext b
src <- tosrc ctx objpath
need [src]
needDependencies ctx src (objpath <.> "d")
buildWithResources rs $ target ctx (builder stage) [src] [objpath]

:: [(Resource, Int)] -> FilePath -> BuildPath Object -> Action ()
compileObject rs objpath b@(BuildPath _root _stage _path (Hs o)) =
compileHsObject rs objpath b o
compileObject rs objpath b@(BuildPath _root _stage _path (NonHs o)) =
compileNonHsObject rs objpath b o

-- * Helpers

-- | Discover dependencies of a given source file by iteratively calling @gcc@
-- in the @-MM -MG@ mode and building generated dependencies if they are missing
Expand Down
34 changes: 23 additions & 11 deletions hadrian/src/Rules/Library.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
module Rules.Library (libraryRules) where
module Rules.Library {- (libraryRules) -} where

import Data.Functor
import Hadrian.Haskell.Cabal
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -251,18 +251,30 @@ parseStage = (Parsec.string "stage" *> Parsec.choice
-- suffix out of a shared library file name).
parseWaySuffix :: Way -> Parsec.Parsec String () Way
parseWaySuffix w = Parsec.choice
[ Parsec.string "_" *> (wayFromUnits <$> Parsec.sepBy1 parseWayUnit (Parsec.string "_"))
[ Parsec.char '_' *> (wayFromUnits <$> Parsec.sepBy1 parseWayUnit (Parsec.char '_'))
, pure w
] Parsec.<?> "way suffix (e.g _thr_p, or none for vanilla)"
parseWayUnit = Parsec.choice
[ Parsec.string "thr" *> pure Threaded
, Parsec.char 'd' *>
(Parsec.choice [ Parsec.string "ebug" *> pure Debug
, Parsec.string "yn" *> pure Dynamic ])
, Parsec.char 'p' *> pure Profiling
, Parsec.char 'l' *> pure Logging
] Parsec.<?> "way unit (thr, debug, dyn, p, l)"

-- | Same as 'parseWaySuffix', but for parsing e.g @thr_p_@
-- instead of @_thr_p@, like 'parseWaySuffix' does.
-- This is used to parse paths to object files,
-- in Rules.Compile.
parseWayPrefix :: Way -> Parsec.Parsec String () Way
parseWayPrefix w = Parsec.choice
[ wayFromUnits <$> Parsec.endBy1 parseWayUnit (Parsec.char '_')
, pure w
] Parsec.<?> "way prefix (e.g thr_p_, or none for vanilla)"

parseWayUnit :: Parsec.Parsec String () WayUnit
parseWayUnit = Parsec.choice
[ Parsec.string "thr" *> pure Threaded
, Parsec.char 'd' *>
(Parsec.choice [ Parsec.string "ebug" *> pure Debug
, Parsec.string "yn" *> pure Dynamic ])
, Parsec.char 'p' *> pure Profiling
, Parsec.char 'l' *> pure Logging
] Parsec.<?> "way unit (thr, debug, dyn, p, l)"

-- | Parse a @"pkgname-pkgversion"@ string into the package name and the
-- integers that make up the package version.
Expand Down

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