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Hugo Saasify Theme

A modern and elegant Hugo theme specifically designed for SaaS websites. Built with TailwindCSS, this theme provides a clean, professional look while maintaining excellent performance and customization options.

Hugo Saasify Theme Screenshot

Hugo Saasify Theme Screenshot 2

Hugo Saasify Theme Screenshot 3

Demo Site


  • 🎨 Modern design with TailwindCSS
  • πŸ“± Fully responsive layout
  • πŸš€ Performance optimized
  • πŸ’… Clean typography with Inter & Plus Jakarta Sans fonts
  • 🎯 Perfect for SaaS and business websites
  • πŸ›  Easy to customize
  • πŸ“¦ No jQuery, minimal JavaScript
  • πŸ“Š Google Analytics support


  • Hugo Extended Version (>= 0.80.0)
  • Node.js (>= 14.x)
  • npm or yarn


1. Create a new Hugo site (skip if you have an existing site)

hugo new site your-site-name
cd your-site-name

2. Add the theme as a submodule

git init
git submodule add themes/hugo-saasify-theme

3. Example Site (Optional)

The theme comes with a fully functional example site that demonstrates its features and capabilities. You can use this as a reference when building your own site.

Using the Example Site

The example site provides a great starting point to understand how to:

  • Structure your content
  • Use different page layouts
  • Configure navigation menus
  • Set up site parameters
  • Implement common SaaS website features
  1. Copy the example site content:
cp -r themes/hugo-saasify-theme/exampleSite/* .
  1. The example site includes:
  • Complete content structure with sample pages
  • Blog posts with various layouts
  • Feature pages
  • Career/Jobs section
  • Pricing page
  • Company information page
  • Properly configured hugo.toml

4. Install dependencies

# Copy package.json and other config files to your site root
cp themes/hugo-saasify-theme/package.json .
cp themes/hugo-saasify-theme/postcss.config.js .
cp themes/hugo-saasify-theme/tailwind.config.copy.js ./tailwind.config.js
# Install dependencies
npm install

5. Configure your Hugo site

Create or update your hugo.toml with the following configuration:

# Basic Configuration
baseURL = "/"
languageCode = "en-us"
title = "Your Site Title"
theme = "hugo-saasify-theme"

# Required Features
pygmentsCodeFences = true  # Enable syntax highlighting
pygmentsUseClasses = true
enableEmoji = true        # Enable emoji support
enableGitInfo = true      # Enable Git info for lastmod

# Required Module Configuration
    extended = true
    min = "0.80.0"

# Required Build Configuration
  writeStats = true      # Required for TailwindCSS

# Required Markup Configuration
    noClasses = false
    lineNos = true
    codeFences = true
    unsafe = true       # Allow HTML in markdown
    endLevel = 3
    ordered = false
    startLevel = 2

# Theme Parameters
  description = "Your site description"
  author = "Your Name"
  logo = "/images/logo.svg"      # Path to your logo
  # Google Analytics ID (e.g., "G-XXXXXXXXXX")
  googleAnalytics = "G-XXXXXXXXXX"  # Only enabled in production

  # Header Configuration
    background = "bg-white/80 backdrop-blur-sm"
    border = "border-b border-gray-100"
    # Header Logo
      src = "/images/logo.svg"
    # Header Buttons (optional)
        text = "Sign in"
        url = "/signin"
        text = "Get Started"
        url = "/get-started"

  # Global CTA Configuration (optional)
    enable = true
    title = "Ready to Get Started?"
    description = "Join companies using our platform"
      text = "Get Started Free"
      url = "/get-started"
      text = "Book Demo"
      url = "/demo"

  # Social Media Links (optional)
    linkedin = ""
    twitter = ""
    github = ""

# Navigation Menu
    name = "Features"
    weight = 1
      has_submenu = true
      submenu = [
        { name = "Feature 1", url = "/features/feature-1/" },
        { name = "Feature 2", url = "/features/feature-2/" }
    name = "Pricing"
    url = "/pricing"
    weight = 2
    name = "Blog"
    url = "/blog"
    weight = 3

This configuration includes:

  • Basic Settings: Site title, language, and theme selection
  • Required Features: Syntax highlighting, emoji support, and Git integration
  • Module Configuration: Hugo version requirements
  • Build Settings: Required for TailwindCSS integration
  • Markup Settings: Code highlighting and markdown rendering options
  • Theme Parameters:
    • Header configuration with logo and navigation
    • Call-to-action (CTA) sections
    • Social media links
    • Google Analytics configuration (only enabled in production)
  • Navigation Menu: Main menu structure with dropdown support


To start the development server with live reload:

npm run start

This will:

  • Watch for changes in your TailwindCSS styles
  • Run the Hugo development server
  • Automatically rebuild when changes are detected

To build your site for production:

npm run build

This will:

  • Build and minify your TailwindCSS styles
  • Generate minified Hugo site in the public directory



The theme uses a primary and secondary color scheme that can be customized in tailwind.config.js:

colors: {
  primary: {
    // Your primary color palette
  secondary: {
    // Your secondary color palette


The theme uses Inter for body text and Plus Jakarta Sans for headings. You can modify this in tailwind.config.js:

fontFamily: {
  sans: ['Inter', 'system-ui', 'sans-serif'],
  heading: ['Plus Jakarta Sans', 'sans-serif'],

Layout Components

Common components like buttons, cards, and sections can be customized in assets/css/main.css.

Content Structure

β”œβ”€β”€          # Homepage content
β”œβ”€β”€ blog/              # Blog posts
β”œβ”€β”€ features/          # Feature pages
└── docs/              # Documentation pages


This theme is released under the MIT license.


If you have any questions or need help, please open an issue.


No description, website, or topics provided.







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  • CSS 57.4%
  • HTML 41.4%
  • JavaScript 1.2%