- What it does?
It just connects to your Nightscout server and provide support for other applications.
- Does it have GUI?
No GUI suitable for regular users at the moment. But maybe someone write it.
- How to use it?
Write your own app and listen to broadcasts to get new data from Nightscout. Send broadcasts to write to mongo database.
- Any other features there?
NS Client can emulate xDrip app if you don't have physical device available. It supports xDrip extension for DanaApp too (OpenAPS implementation for DanaR pump)
- Some examples?
Look at the and of MainActivity
- And how do I get response?
When you upload treatment you should receieve it back if you listen to treatment broadcasts after it goes through mongo
- Do I need care about success/failure of upload?
No. NS client takas care about it. Undelivered records are queued and delivered when client reconnects to server.