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ruby: implemented synchronize mode for Metal but it is not capped to … #29

ruby: implemented synchronize mode for Metal but it is not capped to …

ruby: implemented synchronize mode for Metal but it is not capped to … #29

Workflow file for this run

on: push
runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
makeOptions: -j4
makeVariables: local=false build=performance platform=windows arch=x86_64
#nightly: bsnes-as-win64-${{github.run_number}}
nightly: bsnes-as-win64
buildVersion: ${{github.run_id}}
platformOptions: platform=windows compiler="x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++-posix" windres="x86_64-w64-mingw32-windres"
- run: |
echo 'win64'
set -e
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -qq install -y --no-install-recommends ca-certificates make g++-mingw-w64-x86-64
shell: bash
name: 'setup'
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
name: Checkout
fetch-depth: 0
- run: |
echo '#define BSNES_BUILD_NUMBER "'"${{env.buildVersion}}"'"' > bsnes/emulator/version.generated.hpp
make ${{env.makeOptions}} -C bsnes target=bsnes ${{env.makeVariables}} ${{env.platformOptions}}
shell: bash
name: 'make bsnes'
# - run: |
# rm -f bsnes/obj/sfc-*.o bsnes/obj/core.o bsnes/obj/emulator.o || true
# make ${{env.makeOptions}} -C bsnes target=libretro ${{env.makeVariables}} ${{env.platformOptions}} || true
# shell: bash
# name: 'make libretro'
- run: |
mkdir ${{env.nightly}}
mkdir ${{env.nightly}}/Database
mkdir ${{env.nightly}}/Firmware
cp -a bsnes/out/bsnes.exe ${{env.nightly}}/bsnes.exe
#cp -a bsnes/out/bsnes_libretro.dll ${{env.nightly}}/ || true
cp -a bsnes/out/discord_game_sdk.dll ${{env.nightly}}/
cp -a bsnes/Database/* ${{env.nightly}}/Database
cp -a shaders ${{env.nightly}}/Shaders
cp -a scripts ${{env.nightly}}/scripts
cp -a GPLv3.txt ${{env.nightly}}
shell: bash
name: 'package'
- run: Compress-Archive -Path ${{env.nightly}}/* -Destination ${{env.nightly}}.zip
shell: pwsh
name: 'archive'
- uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: '${{env.nightly}}.zip'
path: '${{env.nightly}}.zip'
- name: release
uses: softprops/action-gh-release@v1
if: startsWith(github.ref, 'refs/tags/')
files: '${{env.nightly}}.zip'
# NOTE: disabled due to compilation failures with angelscript/source/as_callfunc_x86.cpp
# win32:
# runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
# env:
# makeOptions: -j4
# makeVariables: local=false build=performance
# nightly: bsnes-as-win32-${{github.run_number}}
# buildVersion: ${{github.run_id}}
# platformOptions: platform=windows arch=x86 compiler="i686-w64-mingw32-g++-posix" windres="i686-w64-mingw32-windres"
# steps:
# - run: |
# echo 'win64'
# set -e
# sudo apt-get update
# sudo apt-get -qq install -y --no-install-recommends ca-certificates make g++-mingw-w64-i686
# shell: bash
# name: 'setup'
# - uses: actions/checkout@v4
# name: Checkout
# with:
# fetch-depth: 0
# - run: |
# echo '#define BSNES_BUILD_NUMBER "'"${{env.buildVersion}}"'"' > bsnes/emulator/version.generated.hpp
# make ${{env.makeOptions}} -C bsnes target=bsnes ${{env.makeVariables}} ${{env.platformOptions}}
# shell: bash
# name: 'make bsnes'
# - run: |
# rm -f bsnes/obj/sfc-*.o bsnes/obj/core.o bsnes/obj/emulator.o || true
# make ${{env.makeOptions}} -C bsnes target=libretro ${{env.makeVariables}} ${{env.platformOptions}} || true
# shell: bash
# name: 'make libretro'
# - run: |
# mkdir ${{env.nightly}}
# mkdir ${{env.nightly}}/Database
# mkdir ${{env.nightly}}/Firmware
# cp -a bsnes/out/bsnes.exe ${{env.nightly}}/bsnes.exe
# cp -a bsnes/out/bsnes_libretro.dll ${{env.nightly}}/ || true
# cp -a bsnes/out/discord_game_sdk.dll ${{env.nightly}}/
# cp -a bsnes/Database/* ${{env.nightly}}/Database
# cp -a shaders ${{env.nightly}}/Shaders
# cp -a scripts ${{env.nightly}}/scripts
# cp -a GPLv3.txt ${{env.nightly}}
# shell: bash
# name: 'package'
# - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
# with:
# name: '${{env.nightly}}'
# path: '${{env.nightly}}'
runs-on: macos-14
makeOptions: -j12
makeVariables: local=false build=performance platform=macos arch=arm64
#nightly: bsnes-as-macos-${{github.run_number}}
nightly: bsnes-as-macos
buildVersion: ${{github.run_id}}
- run: |
echo 'macos'
shell: bash
name: 'setup'
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
name: Checkout
fetch-depth: 0
- run: |
echo '#define BSNES_BUILD_NUMBER "'"${{env.buildVersion}}"'"' > bsnes/emulator/version.generated.hpp
make ${{env.makeOptions}} -C bsnes target=bsnes ${{env.makeVariables}} ${{env.platformOptions}}
shell: bash
name: 'make bsnes'
# - run: |
# rm -f bsnes/obj/sfc-*.o bsnes/obj/core.o bsnes/obj/emulator.o || true
# make ${{env.makeOptions}} -C bsnes target=libretro ${{env.makeVariables}} ${{env.platformOptions}} || true
# shell: bash
# name: 'make libretro'
- run: |
mkdir ${{env.nightly}}
cp -a bsnes/out/ ${{env.nightly}}/
#cp -a bsnes/out/bsnes_libretro.dylib ${{env.nightly}}/ || true
cp -a scripts ${{env.nightly}}/scripts
cp -a GPLv3.txt ${{env.nightly}}/
shell: bash
name: 'package'
- run: tar cJf ${{env.nightly}}.tar.xz ${{env.nightly}}/*
shell: bash
name: 'archive'
- uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: '${{env.nightly}}.tar.xz'
path: '${{env.nightly}}.tar.xz'
- name: release
uses: softprops/action-gh-release@v1
if: startsWith(github.ref, 'refs/tags/')
files: '${{env.nightly}}.tar.xz'
runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
makeOptions: -j4
makeVariables: local=false build=performance platform=linux arch=x86_64
#nightly: bsnes-as-linux-${{github.run_number}}
nightly: bsnes-as-linux
buildVersion: ${{github.run_id}}
- run: |
echo 'linux'
set -e
sudo apt-get update
# libgtksourceview2.0-dev
sudo apt-get -y install --no-upgrade --no-install-recommends build-essential libgtk2.0-dev libpulse-dev mesa-common-dev libcairo2-dev libsdl2-dev libxv-dev libao-dev libopenal-dev libudev-dev
shell: bash
name: 'setup'
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
name: Checkout
fetch-depth: 0
- run: |
echo '#define BSNES_BUILD_NUMBER "'"${{env.buildVersion}}"'"' > bsnes/emulator/version.generated.hpp
make ${{env.makeOptions}} -C bsnes target=bsnes ${{env.makeVariables}} ${{env.platformOptions}}
shell: bash
name: 'make bsnes'
# - run: |
# rm -f bsnes/obj/sfc-*.o bsnes/obj/core.o bsnes/obj/emulator.o || true
# make ${{env.makeOptions}} -C bsnes target=libretro ${{env.makeVariables}} ${{env.platformOptions}} || true
# shell: bash
# name: 'make libretro'
- run: |
mkdir ${{env.nightly}}
mkdir ${{env.nightly}}/Database
mkdir ${{env.nightly}}/Firmware
cp -a bsnes/out/bsnes ${{env.nightly}}/bsnes
#cp -a bsnes/out/ ${{env.nightly}}/ || true
cp -a bsnes/out/ ${{env.nightly}}/
cp -a bsnes/Database/* ${{env.nightly}}/Database
cp -a shaders ${{env.nightly}}/Shaders
cp -a scripts ${{env.nightly}}/scripts
cp -a GPLv3.txt ${{env.nightly}}
shell: bash
name: 'package'
- run: tar cJf ${{env.nightly}}.tar.xz ${{env.nightly}}/*
shell: bash
name: 'archive'
- uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: '${{env.nightly}}.tar.xz'
path: '${{env.nightly}}.tar.xz'
- name: release
uses: softprops/action-gh-release@v1
if: startsWith(github.ref, 'refs/tags/')
files: '${{env.nightly}}.tar.xz'