A (WIP) Markov text generator written in Python.
The MarkovGenerator class takes a input text to generate sentences from, the length of the output you want (in characters), and an optional ngram length (the default is 2).
Many thanks to @jamak for help with the math to choose a good next word and @davoclavo for help making it pip installable!
using pip:
pip install markovgenerator
or clone the repo and install:
python setup.py install
Example: Generate 200-character sentences from Mary Shelley's Frankenstein based on an ngram length of 3
import markovgenerator
with open('frankenstein.txt') as f:
frankenstein = f.read()
markov_gen = markovgenerator.MarkovGenerator(frankenstein, 200, 3)
returns: "The weather was fine; it was about the commission of his crimes, and I did right in refusing, to create a companion for the first creature. He showed unparalleled malignity and selfishness in evil."
Using an ngram of 2 (the default), the results get a bit more jibberish-y: "Clerval had never yet been able to perform it myself! I could banish disease from the first lesson; most of all the voyages made for purposes of discovery, he ceased to fear or to bend beneath words."
fix ending punctuation, don't add a period if there's already something (maybe works now)figure out what's going on with `` marksfix spaces before apostrophes (regex)make a setup.py filemake pip installable- pickle input?
- write tests