The AMP Advisory Committee (AC) provides perspective and advice to the Technical Steering Committee (TSC).
- Daniel Walmsley - @gravityrail (interim)
- Faizan Siddiqi - @SiddiqiFaizan
- Guilherme Moser de Souza - @gui-poa
- Jett Jackson - @j-tt
- Joe Alicata - @wirelessjoe
- Jono Alderson - @jono-alderson
- Kenji Baheux - @kenjibaheux
- Michael Chun - @michaelwomple (interim)
- Pablo Delgado - @pdelgadorodriguez
- Senthil Padmanabhan - @senthilp
- Sumantro Das - @sumodas
- Tom Chandler - @tpchandler
- Tobie Langel - @tobie (facilitator)
Github team:
If you are interested in becoming a member of the AC and want to make sure you are informed of upcoming elections, please fill-in this form.
Past members
- Ali Ghassemi - @aghassemi
- Brian Howard - @brianwhoward (interim)
- Candice Gleason - @candice-womp
- Charles Vazac - @cvazac
- Dane Knecht - @dknecht
- David Merrell - @dymerrell
- Elisa Budelli - @elibud
- Graham Loh - @grahamle
- Jeremy Keith - @adactio
- Jervay Singh - @jervay
- Julie Bacon - @baconjulie
- Kelsey Johnson - @kelseyjohnson8
- Léonie Watson - @LJWatson
- Levi Durfee - @levidurfee
- Maggie Wettergreen - @mjwettergreen
- Marissa Halpert - @marissa-halpert
- Melanie Sumner - @melsumner
- Melissa DePuydt - @msteffan
- Nicole Sullivan - @stubbornella
- Ted Shuter - @TedShuter
- Terence Eden - @edent
- Tim Jones - @tones
We use the following channels to communicate:
- This GitHub repository. This is where you will find most of our work happening. Feel free to comment on exisiting issues or file a new one if you have questions or issues you want to raise with the AC.
- The #amp-ac channel on the amphtml Slack workspace. If you aren't a member of the amphtml workspace, enter your email address on the AMP Developer Slack Signup form to get invited to the Slack workspace, from which you'll be able to join the #amp-ac channel.
- Fortnightly video conferences. These video conferences are open to external guests. You will find a link to the video conference on the meeting agenda under the AC Meetings label. Currently we use for these conferences.
- F2F Meetings. These are open to external guests provided they register in advance. Specifics TBA.
- A private mailing list. We use this mailing to coordinate logistical matters and share privacy sensitive information.