I specialize in React/Typescript applications development. My main focus is providing a positive experience to the user and to my collaborators, and I pay particular attention to accessibility and UX, code readability and maintainability and clear and clean architecture.
I love reviewing PRs! I love the opportunity to read other people's code and collaborate on improving the proposed solution.
I love starting side projects to learn new coding skills:
- ⏰ upgrading an old alarm clock to work with web radios thanks to a Raspberry Pi. I love to tinker and build and would love to complete a simple electronics project
- 🛼 a suite of tools in an Astro powered app for my roller derby league, including converting items in a Notion database to text suitable for Discord, and an interactive heatmap to visualize where skaters pass their opponents on the track. I aim to serve my teammates and building niche tools is a lot of fun.
- 📰 I'm also currently enrolled in the Data Journalism with Free Tools course. I'm interested in how code and data empowers storytelling: I'm a fan of The Pudding, data visualization, etc.
Credits: Illutration: Friendly Ones by Diana Aguilar Ortiz, blob made with blobmaker