- Vitoria-Gasteiz
- Pro
This repo maintains a lists of repositories for each ROS distribution
An information model for robot hardware. Facilitates interoperability across modules from different robot manufacturers. Built around ROS 2.0
Threat Model analysis for MARA modular robot
The unified Catin / ROSBuild / Ament / Colcon build system
gym-gazebo2 is a toolkit for developing and comparing reinforcement learning algorithms using ROS 2 and Gazebo
ROS 2 enabled Machine Learning algorithms
AcutronicRobotics / moveit2
Forked from moveit/moveit2The MoveIt 2 Motion Planning Framework for ROS 2.0
Hardware Robot Operating System (H-ROS) command line interface
Entorno de desarrollo para programación web con PHP en Docker.
egibide / scotch-box
Forked from scotch-io/scotch-boxScotch Box es un sistema LAMP contenido en una máquina virtual Vagrant.