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Open Home Foundation OpenHomeFoundation
The Open Home Foundation fights for the fundamental principles of privacy, choice, and sustainability for smart homes.


JP Dias jpdias
PhD. Engineer. Developer. Design and photography enthusiast.

@Kuehne-Nagel Porto, Portugal

Kin Lane kinlane
I like APIs.

Kin Lane United States

TechnoTim techno-tim
This is a collection of all open source repos for Techno Tim.
Björn Kimminich bkimminich
IT Product Group Lead @kuehne-nagel, Project Leader @OWASP @juice-shop

@kuehne-nagel Hamburg, Germany

OpenMiHome OpenMiHome
Unofficial documentation of Xiaomi's MiHome protocols
Bundesstelle für Open Data bundesAPI
Bundesstelle für Open Data - Abteilung 1, Referat 312, Entwicklungsportal.


Digital Container Shipping Association dcsaorg - Official GitHub

Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Kai Pruess kaipr

Hamburg, Germany

Marten Klitzke mortik
Freelance Software Developer - SciFi, Fantasy and Tech Nerd.

Germany Wedel / Hamburg

Roy T. Fielding royfielding
Senior Principal Scientist at Adobe, founder Apache httpd, authored Apache License 2.0, REST style, & Web standards for URI, HTTP/1.x, and URI Templates

Adobe Tustin, California

Phil Archer philarcher
Web advocate at GS1, applying background as W3C data strategist to the world of eCommerce.


Christian Schwinne Aircoookie
WLED creator and Japan fan! - Regarding communications: You will usually get a faster reply asking on Discord or opening an issue than by email :)

@wled-dev Germany

Paulus Schoutsen balloob

@home-assistant, @openhomefoundation, @nabucasa Brooklyn

Pascal Vizeli pvizeli
Founder of and one of the core Developers around @home-assistant. Co-Founder and CFO at @NabuCasa. Father of 4 amazing children <3

@NabuCasa Switzerland

Joakim Sørensen ludeeus
Trying my best to make things easier for others.

@NabuCasa Norway

Franck Nijhof frenck
A Human. Being. Him/He. Dad. Open Sourcerer. GitHub Star 🌟 @home-assistant. Passionate. Dedicated. Make a positive difference every single day. Be the change ❤

@home-assistant @hassio-addons Enschede, The Netherlands

Phil Sturgeon philsturgeon
Using APIs to reforest the UK @protect-earth, decarbonizing software at @GreenTurtleTech, and teaching about APIs at @apisyouwonthate. Ex-@wework @pyrocms

@protect-earth & @GreenTurtleTech Europe

Erik Wilde dret
Digital Transformation, API Strategy, API Programs, and API Management.

INNOQ Zürich, Switzerland

Mark Nottingham mnot
I work on HTTP specifications and implementations.

Prahran, Australia

Dominik Kundel dkundel
Head of Product for Emerging Tech & Innovation @twilio && JavaScript Hacker

@twilio San Francisco, CA, USA

Patrick Heyer PatTheMav
Codewrangler, DJ, Gamer. I write stuff in Swift, ObjC, C, C++, Python, and like to rant about Rust. Very much an Apple person. 😉

Freelance Germany

Mike Jolley mikejolley
Hi 👋 I'm a software engineer working on open-source projects such as WordPress and WooCommerce.

Automattic Cambridge, England, UK

Torsten Landsiedel Zodiac1978

Torsten Landsiedel | Webwork Hamburg

Richard Moot mootrichard

@Square San Francisco, CA

Markus These th353
devops unicorn


Daniel Eden daneden
Designer, writing & thinking about Design Systems.

@facebook London, UK

Frederik Wille 3wille

@plancraft Hamburg

Bodo Tasche bitboxer
Fullstack Freelancer, in love with Elixir, Ruby, TypeScript. Former CTO, working on @signdict and @wishlephant, created the 🦥 emoji.

Self-Employed Berlin, Germany

Florian Gilcher skade
Managing Director @ferrous-systems. Heavily invested @rust-lang functional safety. Organiser @eurucamp/@jrubyconf/@rustfest/@oxidizeconf.

Ferrous Systems Berlin

Stefan Hollmann sthollmann

webionate GmbH Hamburg, Germany

Ole Michaelis OleMchls
Working @1K5-TECH, curator of @socoded and – Passionate Software Engineer. I ❤️ elixir, ruby, node, metrics, NoSQL and all bleeding edge stuff!

@1KOMMA5º-TECH Hamburg

Debora Bimbi Bumbledebee
Integrations Analyst

remerge Berlin

Klaus Fl kaeff

Thoughtworks Barcelona, Spain

Meike Bartel weidenfreak

mindmatters Ahrensburg, Germany

Jan Krutisch halfbyte
Cofounder at @depfu.

@depfu Hamburg, Germany