Ionic gallery with slider
Demo availabe in Ionic View with id 150745FE
$ bower install --save ion-gallery
- Define number of collums to present (1 to array length)
- Pinch and double tap do zoom on picture
Load script and css on the html
<link href="lib/ion-gallery/dist/ion-gallery.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="lib/ion-gallery/dist/"></script>
Add ion-gallery as dependency to your project
.module('starter', ['ionic','ion-gallery'])
Add gallery directive with array of photos:
<ion-gallery ion-gallery-items="items"></ion-galllery>
Data source example
$scope.items = [
sub: 'This is a <b>subtitle</b>'
sub: '' /* Not showed */
Subtitle property is optional. If no property present, nothing is showed (Same for empty string). Supports html tags.
UI will reflect changes on the content object passed to the directive. Example of adding and removing pictures can be seen in the ionic view app.
ion-gallery-row: Defines number of collums to display. Default 3
<ion-gallery ion-gallery-items="items" ion-gallery-row="5"></ion-galllery>
ion-gallery-toggle: Sets one tap action on slideshow to hide/show subtitles and "Done" button. Default: true
<ion-gallery ion-gallery-items="items" ion-gallery-toggle="false"></ion-galllery>