prints a tree out of a set of logs produced by an strace
execution that used flags -f
, -ff
, and option -o
After running strace -f -ff -o output -s 10000 -tt -v man -H man
, strace_tree_printer
Log Call First entry Last entry PPID Pathname Output Exit Argv
------------ ------ --------------- --------------- ------ ---------------- -------- ------ ------------------------
output.28124 execve 21:31:58.884560 21:31:58.928956 ? /usr/bin/man err 3 man -H man
output.28125 clone 21:31:58.912443 21:31:58.915788 28124 /usr/bin/man ! out 0 man -H man !
output.28126 clone 21:31:58.915801 21:31:58.925521 28124 /usr/bin/man ! out 0 man -H man !
output.28131 clone 21:31:58.920371 21:31:58.924343 28126 /usr/bin/man ! out 0 man -H man !
output.28127 clone 21:31:58.916126 21:31:58.927320 28124 /usr/bin/man ! out 0 man -H man !
output.28132 clone 21:31:58.920347 21:31:58.926392 28127 /usr/bin/man ! out 0 man -H man !
output.28128 clone 21:31:58.916359 21:31:58.928313 28124 /usr/bin/preconv out ? preconv -e UTF-8
output.28129 clone 21:31:58.916646 21:31:58.928125 28124 /usr/bin/tbl out ? tbl
output.28130 clone 21:31:58.916915 21:31:58.927467 28124 /usr/bin/groff err 3 groff -mandoc -Thtml
pip install git+
usage: strace_tree_printer [-h] [--prefix PREFIX] [--root-path ROOT_PATH]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--prefix PREFIX
--root-path ROOT_PATH
PREFIX is the argument passed to the -o
option of the strace
execution. Defaults to "output".
ROOT_PATH is the path where the logs are located. Defaults to the working directory.
The environment variables of processes are dumped in .envp files.
The Output column tells if the command wrote to stdout
or stderr
An exit status of "?" means the thread was terminated by another thread of the same thread group (see exit_group(2)
An exclamation mark following a pathname or argv means the preceding value mirrors the values of the child's parent, as no execve(2)
call was found.