This project implements a finite variation of Conway's Game of Life using Pygame.
- Download and
- If you don't already have it, install Pygame.
- Open the command line and navigate to the folder that holds the two .py files.
- Type "python" into the command line and press enter.
- Click on any cell to toggle it between living (black) and dead (white).
- Click and drag to toggle mulitple cells. Clicking and dragging from a dead cell brings cells to life, while clicking and dragging from a living cell kills them.
- Space bar: Pauses/unpauses the program.
- c: Kills all cells.
- Numbers 1-5: Change the game speed, with 1 being the slowest speed setting and 5 being the fastest.
- +: Increase the size of the cells (fewer cells on screen with the same window size).
- -: Decrease the size of the cells (more cells on screen with the same window size).
- ?: Colors living cells randomly.