A Python interface to SuperCollider.
Supriya lets you:
- boot and communicate with SuperCollider's
synthesis server - construct and compile
unit generator graphs in native Python code - build and control graphs of synthesizers and synthesizer groups
- object-model
OSC communications explicitly viaRequest
classes - schedule synthesizer events and patterns
Supriya's source is hosted at https://github.com/Pulgama/supriya.
Documentation is available at https://supriya.readthedocs.org/en/latest/.
Join the development mailing list at [email protected].
Please note: this project is still under heavy development, is not yet stable, and is not yet intended for deployment in the field.
Send compliments or complaints to [email protected], or register an issue at https://github.com/Pulgama/supriya/issues.
Compatible with Python 2.7, 3.3 and 3.4.
To install, simply clone supriya and run the included setup.py
~$ git clone https://github.com/Pulgama/supriya.git
~$ cd supriya
supriya$ sudo python setup.py install
To run the test suite:
supriya$ tox
Make sure that SuperCollider is installed, and that scsynth
is available from
the command-line. supriya targets SuperCollider 3.6.5 and above, although
it may work with earlier versions as well.
~$ scsynth -h
supercollider_synth options:
SuperCollider may be found at http://supercollider.sourceforge.net/ for all platforms. Alternatively, many Linux distributions will allow you to install SuperCollider via their package manager.
supriya has the following Python dependencies for all Python versions:
Additionally, supriya requires funcsigs
with Python 2.7, and enum34
both Python 2.7 and Python 3.3.
requires that libsndfile
be installed. Source for
for OSX platforms may be found at
When installed via the included setup.py
file (sudo python setup.py install
) all of the above dependencies will be installed automatically.
supriya has not been tested with Python 3.x versions earlier than 3.3.
Import packages from supriya:
>>> from supriya import servertools
>>> from supriya import synthdeftools
>>> from supriya import ugentools
Boot the SuperCollider server:
>>> server = servertools.Server()
>>> server.boot()
<Server: udp://, 8i8o>
Create and allocate a group:
>>> group = servertools.Group().allocate()
Make a synthesizer definition and send it to the server:
>>> builder = synthdeftools.SynthDefBuilder(
... amplitude=1.0,
... frequency=440.0,
... gate=1.0,
... )
>>> with builder:
... source = ugentools.SinOsc.ar(
... frequency=builder['frequency'],
... )
... envelope = ugentools.EnvGen.kr(
... done_action=synthdeftools.DoneAction.FREE_SYNTH,
... envelope=synthdeftools.Envelope.asr(),
... gate=builder['gate'],
... )
... source = source * builder['amplitude']
... source = source * envelope
... out = ugentools.Out.ar(
... bus=(0, 1),
... source=source,
... )
>>> synthdef = builder.build().allocate()
Synchronize with the server:
>>> server.sync()
<Server: udp://, 8i8o>
Create a synthesizer with the previously defined synthesizer definition:
>>> synth = servertools.Synth(synthdef)
>>> synth
<Synth: ???>
Allocate it on the server as a child of the previously created group:
>>> group.append(synth)
>>> synth
<Synth: 1001>
Query the server's node tree:
>>> response = server.query_remote_nodes(include_controls=True)
>>> print(response)
NODE TREE 0 group
1 group
1000 group
1001 f1c3ea5063065be20688f82b415c1108
amplitude: 0.0, frequency: 440.0
Bind a MIDI controller to the synth's controls:
>>> korg = miditools.NanoKontrol2()
>>> korg.open_port(0)
>>> source = korg.fader_1
>>> target = synth.controls['frequency']
>>> bind(source, target, range_=Range(110, 880), exponent=2.0)
Release the synth:
>>> synth.release()
Quit the server:
>>> server.quit()
<Server: offline>
- Cleanup server object proxies
- BufferGroup, Buffer, BufferProxy
- BusGroup, Bus, BusProxy (for both Audio and Control buses)
- SynthControl
- QueryTreeControl.from_control()
- Make SynthDef immutable
- Implement SynthDefBuilder
- Implement Parameter class (model a single control name, value, rate)
- Implement AudioControl and TrigControl UGens
- Explicitly object model Server requests
- Audit all asynchronous request/response pairs
- Implement complete Buffer API
- Implement complete Bus(-related) API
- Implement all UGen binary operators
- Implement all UGen unary operators
- MIDI callbacks
- Port all UGens
- AudioIn.sc
- BasicOpsUGen.sc
- BEQSuite.sc
- BufIO.sc
- Chaos.sc
- CheckBadValues.sc
- Compander.sc
- Delays.sc
- DelayWr.sc
- Demand.sc
- DiskIO.sc
- EnvGen.sc
- FFT.sc
- Filter.sc
- FreeVerb.sc
- FSinOsc.sc
- Gendyn.sc
- GrainUGens.sc
- GVerb.sc
- Hilbert.sc
- InfoUGens.sc
- InOut.sc
- Line.sc
- MachineListening.sc
- MacUGens.sc
- Mix.sc
- MoogFF.sc
- Noise.sc
- Osc.sc
- Pan.sc
- PhysicalModel.sc
- PitchShift.sc
- Pluck.sc
- Poll.sc
- PSinGraph.sc
- Splay.sc
- Trig.sc
- UGen.sc
- Implement appropriate UGen input checking
- Port all UGen examples
- Write SynthDef compilation/sending tests to scsynth for all UGens
- Implement tempo-accurate clocks and scheduled OSCBundle logic
- PySide-based GUI generation
- Kivy-based GUI generation
- Non-realtime composition
- NRTScore
- NRT node graph time slicing?