ParSPL is a code generator to parallelise repeated solutions of a sparse linear systems on embedded platforms. In a nutshell it is used to extract parallelism from the SpTRSV kernel in a preprocessing step. You want it if you can trade-off low compile-time with high runtime performance.
ParSPL stands for Parallel Sparsity Pattern Levearaging linear system solver. Specifically we solve a linear system:
A x = b
for x repeatedly and in parallel. Repeatedly means:
- the matrix
is constant (static data) - the right hand side vector
changes (input) - the vector
is the computed solution (output) BecauseA
is static we can do a compile time decompositionA=LDL^T
ParSPL then further exploits the problem specific sparsity structure in the triangular L
matrix to maximize concurrent computation.
The preprocessing steps are visualized in a) to f).
For example: running an MPC controller using the OSQP solver results in such a computation.
ParSPL was developed in the context of thermal and energy management for high performance computing (HPC) chips. Think: voltage and frequency scaling on steroids.
ParSPL is very good at extracting concurrency from a problem formulation. For very large problems we achieved a 7x speedup on an 8-core embedded platform. When using memory streaming hardware extensions one can utilize the concurrency even further. We demonstrated a 33x speedup with ParSPL using SSSRs.
The corresponding published paper can be found at TODO and explains the methodology behind ParSPL. The embedded platform used is the famous snitch-cluster from the pulp-platform -- an open-hardware RISV-V 8 core architecture with a small scratchpad memory.
ParSPL is a C-code generator written in python. A virtual environment and all required dependencies are installed by running
> make setup
For optional but usefull python argument autocompletion install and globaly activate argcomplete with:
>pip3 install argcomplete
To allow for direct experimentation certain linear systems are prestored. List them with
> make list
TODO: How to integrate parspl into Your project:
Select one and start with code generation.
> ./ --test __HPC_3x3_H2 --codegen --link
This generates C code in the build/_HPC_3x3_H2
The --link
option direclty symlinks the resulting files into the virtual
There the generated code can be verified on the development machine by using the gcc compiler and the linux pthread library.
virtual> make
Of course You are ment to include the generated C files into your embedded software workflow.
Play and experiment with many options of
We hope You find utility in ParSPL we encourage you to:
- put a start on this repo
- cite us:
├── Makefile
├── # main script for code generation
├── # a script where one can custom generate L-matrix layouts by drawing for testing the effectiveness of pattern recognition
├── venv # python virtual environment
├── src # directory of linear system files
│ ├── dummy_2level.json
│ ├── dummy_collist.json
│ ├── _HPC_3x3_H2.json
│ ├── _HPC_4x4_H2.json
├── build # resulting generated C files
│ └── _HPC_3x3_H2
│ ├── scheduled_data.h
│ ├── workspace.c
│ └── workspace.h
└── virtual # virtual execution environment simulating a multicore embedded platform with linux pthread (mainly for functional verification and as a usage example)
├── Makefile
├── runtime.h # environment specific functions and parameters, **edit according to the target embedded platform**
├── parspl.c # main parspl C file that implements all the corresponding kernels and the scheduler
├── parspl.h # **the function you want to call is `solve(core_id)`**
├── main.c # repeated calls to the parspl linear system solver
├── virtual_main.c # a wrapper of parspl.c for emulation with pthread
├── verify.h
├── types.h
├── scheduled_data.h -> ../build/_HPC_3x3_H2/scheduled_data.h
├── workspace.c -> ../build/_HPC_3x3_H2/workspace.c
└── workspace.h -> ../build/_HPC_3x3_H2/workspace.h