This is a work-in-progress Julia package that reimplements MPFI. in pure Julia. The goal is to provide an interface as close as possible of MPFI.jl, in order to allow users to quickly migrate code between the two packages if the need arises.
# For convenience, let's just use 53 bits (as a Float64)
julia> set_bigfloat_precision(53)
# The following creates an interval centered on 1.1.
# Since 1.1 isn't exactly representable as a floating-point number,
# the shortest interval that includes it is returned.
julia> x = Interval("1.1")
[1.0999999999999999e+00, 1.1000000000000001e+00] with 53 bits of precision
# It is also possible to create an interval through its endpoints.
julia> Interval("1", "2")
[1e+00, 2e+00] with 53 bits of precision
julia> x + y
[2.0999999999999996e+00, 3.1000000000000001e+00] with 53 bits of precision
# Intervals with Float32 or Float64 endpoints are also available
julia> x = Interval(2.5)
[2.5, 2.5]
julia> typeof(x)
Interval{Float64} (constructor with 2 methods)
julia> x = Interval(1f0, 6.125f0)
[1.0, 6.125]
julia> typeof(x)
Interval{Float32} (constructor with 2 methods)