Used to build the application JAR.
Kafka Streams is used to build multiple asynchronous "micro-services". See code in - any class that ends in Service contains a main method that starts a Kafka Streams application. A REST API fronts interacting with the backend stream services - see The REST API uses the Producer and Consumer clients to interact with the Kafka Streams app(s). The REST API also runs it's own Kafka Streams application for creating some materialized views. The API endpoints are consumed by which ultimately is how the end user uses this app.
Used to build the application's Docker image. The same image is used to run the different services because one single jar is built at compile time. Thus in Kuberentes it's expected the class to run is provided as an arg when the image is used to run a container.
Used for running the various containers that make up the application. There are various Kubernetes resources (e.g. StatefulSet, Service, ConfigMap etc.) for running ZooKeeper, a schema registry, a Kafka cluster and then the actual streaming application. See
CI/CD solution. There's a pipeline that builds the code and then deploys the app to AWS EKS (managed Kubernetes). contains yet another pipeline that sets all of this AWS infrastructure up. This includes creating a VPC, EC2 instances, security groups, IAM roles, the actual Kubernetes cluster etc.