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Ang Lee edited this page Feb 4, 2015 · 5 revisions


Good read: Understanding-Scopes

There are 4 types of scopes:

  1. normal prototypal scope inheritance -- ng-include, ng-switch, ng-controller, directive with scope:true.
  2. normal prototypal scope inheritance with a copy/assignment -- ng-repeat, Each iteration of ng-repeat creates a new child scope, and that new child scope always gets a new property.
  3. isolate scope -- directive with scope:{...} This is not prototypal, but '=', '@', and '&' provide a mechanism to access parent scope properties, via attributes.
  4. transcluded scope -- directive with transclude: true. This is also normal prototypal scope inheritance, but is is also a sibling of any isolate scope.

For all scopes (prototypal or not), Angular always tracks a parent-child relationship (i.e. a hierarchy), via properties $parent and $$childeHead and $$childTail.

Directive v.s isolated scope

Some tips (see doc for more details):

  • use angular.element($0).scope() to get the scope
  • use angular.element($0).isolateScope() to get the isolated scope.

conceptually think:

DI, $provide

Good read: Understanding-Dependency-Injection

value, service, factory, provider are all equivalent, just shorthands in different levels. And they are all singletons.

Order of compile, pre-link, post-link, controller,


  • parent compile
  • child compile
  • parent controller
  • parent pre-link
  • child controller
  • child pre-link
  • child post-link
  • parent post-link

the default link function is 'post' link.


To get 'the' injector, i.e. $injector:

var $injector = angular.element('html').injector();

'html' is just an example, it can be any element inside of your ng-app as there is only one injector. Note if not using jQuery, you will need to use the DOM element instead:

var elem = document.getElementsByTagName('html')
var $injector = angular.element(elem).injector();

Or if you are using Chrome, $0 is the element you selected interactively:

var $injector = angular.element($0).injector();

Through $injector, one can get any services (built-in or not):

var $rootScope = $injector.get('$rootScope');
var myService = $injector.get('myService');

and invoke things like:

$injector.invoke(function ($rootScope) { console.log($; });
$injector.invoke(["$rootScope", function ($rootScope) { console.log($; }]);

$templateCache is just a special cache, one can use $cacheFactor for one's own caching purposes.

$injector.get("$cacheFactor").get("templates") === $injector.get("$templateCache")

angular.bootstrap example


templateUrl can be a function