This is a Python Library for the Crunchbase 2.0 API.
The CrunchBase API provides a RESTful interface to the data found on CrunchBase. The response is in JSON format.
Follow the steps below to start using the CrunchBase API:
pip install git+git://
###Up & Running
Import Crunchbase then intialize the Crunchbase object with your api key.
from crunchbase import CrunchBase
cb = CrunchBase('xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx')
Here is an example of searching for an organization.
cb.getOrganizations('Dropbox', page='1', order=...)
This returns the result of an organization search query in JSON format. The keyword arguments (page, order, ... )
will be translated into GET variables and passed along with the request. Check the documentation to find which arguments are availible for which API endpoint.
Now you are ready to perform any of the following queries against the Crunchbase 2.0 API
getOrganizations(query) #This returns result of an organization search query in JSON format.
getOrganization(path) #This returns result of an organization search query in JSON format.
getPeople() #This returns result of people in JSON format.
getPerson(path) #This returns result of a single person
getProducts() This returns result of products in JSON format.
Check crunchbase/ for a list of all the of the possible functions. These methods are in order with the ones found in the Crunchbase API Documentation.
###API Usage Terms
###Library License