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fix(material-experimental/mdc-form-field): tweak styles to work with MDC
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mmalerba committed Feb 2, 2021
1 parent d9b10c4 commit 9518224
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Showing 8 changed files with 50 additions and 51 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/dev-app/mdc-input/mdc-input-demo.html
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Expand Up @@ -315,8 +315,8 @@ <h4>Textarea</h4>
<mat-form-field style="margin-bottom: 4em">
<mat-label>Enter text to count</mat-label>
<textarea matInput #longHint></textarea>
Enter some text to count how many characters are in it. The character count is shown on
some text to count how many characters are in it. The character count is shown on
the right.
<mat-hint align="end" style="white-space: nowrap" aria-live="polite">
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16 changes: 5 additions & 11 deletions src/material-experimental/mdc-form-field/_form-field-sizing.scss
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Expand Up @@ -20,13 +20,7 @@ $mat-form-field-hint-min-space: 1em !default;
// inputs. We take the explicit numbers provided by the Material Design specification.

// Dimensions in the spec assume that an input box does not need to account for larger
// characters. In browsers though, inputs always add additional vertical spacing to account
// for such potential characters. This means that all determined spacing from the spec needs
// to account for the input offset. The offset is based on the default font size used in the
// spec images. i.e. the input box for a 16dp input is 1px larger on top and bottom.
// Related information:
$mat-form-field-input-box-vertical-offset: 1px;
$mat-form-field-height: 56px;

// Vertical spacing of the text-field if there is a label. MDC hard-codes the spacing into
// their styles, but their spacing variables would not work for our form-field structure anyway.
Expand All @@ -36,11 +30,11 @@ $mat-form-field-input-box-vertical-offset: 1px;
// spacing as provided by the Material Design specification. The outlined dimensions in the
// spec section do not match with the text fields shown in the overview or the ones implemented
// by MDC. Note that we need to account for the input box offset. See above for more context.
$mat-form-field-with-label-input-padding-top: 28px - $mat-form-field-input-box-vertical-offset;
$mat-form-field-with-label-input-padding-bottom: 12px - $mat-form-field-input-box-vertical-offset;
$mat-form-field-with-label-input-padding-top: 24px;
$mat-form-field-with-label-input-padding-bottom: 8px;

// Vertical spacing of the text-field if there is no label. We manually measure the
// spacing in the specs. See comment above for padding for text fields with label. The
// same reasoning applies to the padding for text fields without label.
$mat-form-field-no-label-padding-bottom: 20px - $mat-form-field-input-box-vertical-offset;
$mat-form-field-no-label-padding-top: 20px - $mat-form-field-input-box-vertical-offset;
$mat-form-field-no-label-padding-bottom: 16px;
$mat-form-field-no-label-padding-top: 16px;
57 changes: 29 additions & 28 deletions src/material-experimental/mdc-form-field/_form-field-subscript.scss
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Expand Up @@ -8,16 +8,35 @@
.mat-mdc-form-field-subscript-wrapper {
box-sizing: border-box;
width: 100%;
// prevents multi-line errors from overlapping the control.
overflow: hidden;
position: relative;

// The horizontal padding between the edge of the text box and the start of the subscript text.
$subscript-horizontal-padding: 16px;

.mat-mdc-form-field-error-wrapper {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
right: 0;
padding: 0 $subscript-horizontal-padding;

.mat-mdc-form-field-bottom-align::before {
content: '';
display: inline-block;
height: 16px;

// Scale down icons in the subscript to be the same size as the text.
.mat-mdc-form-field-subscript-wrapper .mat-icon {
width: 1em;
height: 1em;
font-size: inherit;
vertical-align: baseline;
.mat-mdc-form-field label {
.mat-icon {
width: 1em;
height: 1em;
font-size: inherit;

// Clears the floats on the hints. This is necessary for the hint animation to work.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -47,29 +66,11 @@
// helper text in our MDC based form field
@mixin mat-mdc-private-form-field-subscript-typography($config-or-theme) {
$config: mat-get-typography-config($config-or-theme);
// The unit-less line-height from the font config.
$line-height: mat-line-height($config, input);
// The amount to scale the font for the subscript.
$subscript-font-scale: 0.75;
// Font size to use for the subscript text.
$subscript-font-size: $subscript-font-scale * 100%;
// The space between the bottom of the text-field area and the subscript. Mocks in the spec show
// half of the text size, but this margin is applied to an element with the subscript text font
// size, so we need to divide by the scale factor to make it half of the original text size.
$subscript-margin-top: 0.5em / $subscript-font-scale;
// The minimum height applied to the subscript to reserve space for subscript text. This is a
// combination of the subscript's margin and line-height, but we need to multiply by the
// subscript font scale factor since the subscript has a reduced font size.
$subscript-min-height: ($subscript-margin-top + $line-height) * $subscript-font-scale;
// The horizontal padding between the edge of the text box and the start of the subscript text.
$subscript-horizontal-padding: 16px;

// The subscript wrapper has a minimum height to avoid that the form-field
// jumps when hints or errors are displayed.
.mat-mdc-form-field-subscript-wrapper {
min-height: $subscript-min-height;
font-size: $subscript-font-size;
margin-top: $subscript-margin-top;
padding: 0 $subscript-horizontal-padding;
.mat-mdc-form-field-bottom-align::before {
@include mdc-typography(caption, $query: $mat-typography-styles-query);
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Expand Up @@ -9,15 +9,18 @@
@mixin mat-mdc-private-text-field-structure-overrides() {
// Unset the border set by MDC. We move the border (which serves as the Material Design
// text-field bottom line) into its own element. This is necessary because we want the
// bottom-line to span across the whole form-field (including prefixes and suffixes). Also
// we ensure that font styles are inherited for input elements. We do this because inputs by
// default have explicit font styles from the user agent, and we set the desired font styles
// in the parent `mat-form-field` element (for better custom form-field control support).
// bottom-line to span across the whole form-field (including prefixes and suffixes).
.mat-mdc-input-element {
font: inherit;
border: none;

// In order to ensure proper alignment of the floating label, we reset its line-height.
// The line-height is not important as the element is absolutely positioned and only has one line
// of text.
.mat-mdc-form-field .mdc-floating-label {
line-height: normal;

// Reset the height that MDC sets on native input elements. We cannot rely on their
// fixed height as we handle vertical spacing differently. MDC sets a fixed height for
// inputs and modifies the baseline so that the textfield matches the spec. This does
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Expand Up @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ export const MAT_ERROR = new InjectionToken<MatError>('MatError');
selector: 'mat-error',
host: {
'class': 'mat-mdc-form-field-error',
'class': 'mat-mdc-form-field-error mat-mdc-form-field-bottom-align',
'role': 'alert',
'[id]': 'id',
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Expand Up @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ let nextUniqueId = 0;
selector: 'mat-hint',
host: {
'class': 'mat-mdc-form-field-hint',
'class': 'mat-mdc-form-field-hint mat-mdc-form-field-bottom-align',
'[class.mat-mdc-form-field-hint-end]': 'align === "end"',
'[id]': 'id',
// Remove align attribute to prevent it from interfering with layout.
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5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions src/material-experimental/mdc-form-field/form-field.html
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Expand Up @@ -64,9 +64,10 @@
<div matFormFieldLineRipple *ngIf="!_hasOutline()"></div>

<div class="mat-mdc-form-field-subscript-wrapper"
<div class="mat-mdc-form-field-subscript-wrapper mat-mdc-form-field-bottom-align"
<div *ngSwitchCase="'error'" [@transitionMessages]="_subscriptAnimationState">
<div class="mat-mdc-form-field-error-wrapper" *ngSwitchCase="'error'"
<ng-content select="mat-error"></ng-content>

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/material/form-field/form-field-animations.ts
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Expand Up @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ export const matFormFieldAnimations: {
// TODO(mmalerba): Use angular animations for label animation as well.
state('enter', style({ opacity: 1, transform: 'translateY(0%)' })),
transition('void => enter', [
style({ opacity: 0, transform: 'translateY(-100%)' }),
style({ opacity: 0, transform: 'translateY(-5px)' }),
animate('300ms cubic-bezier(0.55, 0, 0.55, 0.2)'),
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