Custom code used in the paper: Hybridization and introgression drives genome evolution of the Dutch Elm Disease pathogens
All open source software used in the study is listed in
Bash commands used to run the analyses are in the file
All custom scripts are organized in four folders according to the appearance in the Results section
- plotDAPC_SNP.R # plotting DAPC analysis based on SNP variants
- plotDAPC_CNV.R # plotting DAPC analysis based on CNV variants
- simulate_point_locations.R # simulating coordinates of point labels
- map_geo.R # plotting a map with strains
- plotGlobe.R # plotting picture of a globe
- # plotting NJ phylogeny
- plotStructure.R # plotting structure analysis
- PCA_Plot.R # plotting PCA results
- # conversion of vcf to fasta
- # plotting mtDNA tree
- simulate_point_locations.R # simulating coordinates of point labels
- plotStructureMap.R # plotting structure results for K = 3 on a map
- plotStructure_novoulmi.R # plotting structure barplots in O. novo-ulmi
- plotStructure_ulmi.R # plotting structure barplots in O. ulmi
- pca_ulm_plot.R # plotting PCA based on O. ulmi SNPs
- plotPCA.R # Plotting PCA for each introgressed region
- selectStrainsForBranchEstimationBootstrapAllOU.ipynb # Estimating branch length per each IR and bootstrapping estimates
- plotBranchEstimates.R # Plotting bootstrap values of branch length of each introgressed region
- calcStats.ipynb # Comparing and plotting branch lengths between rare and frequent IRs
- # getting Dxy per window estimates
- # converting genotypes into major-minor allele
- plotGenotypesHeatMap.R # plottig heatmap of genotypes
- plotDiversityDist.R # plotting distribution of diversity in 50 kb windows
- calculateCorrelations.R # plotting diversity/divergence correlations
- plotAngsdWindows_short_Pi_Dxy.R # plotting tree weighting, Pi and Dxy, in windows across the genome
- plotAngsdWindows_short_Fst.R # plotting tree weighting and Fst in windows across the genome
- plotAngsdWindows_short_Taj.R # plotting tree weighting, Tajima's D and Dxy in windows across the genome
- plotGeneDiscordancies.R # plotting tree weighting in 100 SNP windows, filtered 100 SNP windows and 50 kb windows
- plotBoxplots.R # plotting boxplots of global and per-window distances and diversity in Ophiostoma lineages
- plot_Dstatistic.R # dotplot with standard errors of D-statistic
- # script for plotting circos chronogram
- plotTargetsAndDiversity.R # plotting ULM ancestry, diversity within, divergence between lineages and targets of positive selection across the genome
- # estimating D-statistic
- # detecting high diversity regions across the genome
- plotDepth_heatmap.R # plotting coverage and admixture around mating types
- # plotting phylogenetic trees around mating types
- runPCA.R # running PCA analysis for a window and extracting distance of each strain with ULM
- # script for plotting circos chronogram with structure in windows results
- # Identifying strains with ULM ancestry from tree topology
- # selecting strains from fasta alignments
- SnIPRE_running_script_Ophiostoma.R # running snipre program to detect genes under selection
- plotSnipreResults.R # plotting snipre results
- diversity_divergence_stats_popgenome.R # calculating diversity/divergence in genes
Processing pictures and extracting growth information
- ophiostoma_phenotyping_picture_analysis_function.R # a function to process images
- ophiostoma_phenotyping_launch.R # launching a function for each picture
Modelling and plotting isolate growth in different conditions and virulence on apples
- growth_virulence_modeling_Fig4_S17_S18_script.R # plotting growth & virulence results