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Security: anic17/Newtrodit-LCL


Security Policy

Supported Versions

As Newtrodit is currently in beta, only newer versions will be supported. Only report old vulnerabilities if they still exist on the latest supported version, and not on outdated versions.

Known bugs:

  • ^Z and ^Y can crash Newtrodit if pressed twice.
  • ^R crashes Newtrodit on certain occasions, such as having very long lines.

List of supported versions:

Version Supported
< 0.2

Reporting a Vulnerability

To report a vulnerability, create an issue with the vulnerability tag When reporting a crash, please add the following information:

  • What function where you using before the crash
  • All the information in the crash screen
  • The version you were using, the build date, compilation time. This data can be gathered with newtrodit -v

Create an issue and I'll try to fix it as soon as possible, if you know what could be the cause, please let me know.

There aren’t any published security advisories