Check out the documentation for this project for more details.
- Return a list of all movies to the user
- Return data about a single movie by title to the user
- Return data about a genre (description) by name/title
- Return data about a director by name
- Allow new users to register
- Allow users to update their user info (username)
- Allow users to add a movie to their list of favorites
- Allow users to remove a movie from their list of favorites
- Allow existing users to deregister
Function | URL Endpoint | Response |
Get All Movies | /movies | Return a list of all movies to user |
Get Movie by Title | /movies/[movieTitle] | Return data (description, genre, director, artwork) about a single movie to user |
Get all movies of a genre | /movies/genre/[genreName] | Return a list of all movies to user |
Get movies of a Director by name | /movies/director/[directorName] | Return a list of all director's movies to user |
Register as new user | /users | Create new user account |
Update user info | /users/[username] | Allows user to edit their info |
Add a movie to favorites | /users/[username]/favorites/[movieID] | [movie title] has been added to [username]'s favorites |
Remove movie from favorites | /users/[username]/favorites/[movieID] | [movie title] has been removed from [username]'s favorites |
Delete user account | /users/[username] | Confirmation account was deleted |