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File metadata and controls

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Backup Checker Application - Detailed Pseudocode Documentation


The Backup Checker is a web application that monitors server backups by:

  1. Scanning network for available servers using nmap
  2. Scanning specified directories for backup files
  3. Matching backup files to servers based on hostname/IP
  4. Displaying backup status in a web interface

Backend Architecture

1. Database Layer (backend/database/

class DatabaseManager:
    # Initialize SQLite database with two tables:
    # 1. scanned_files: Store backup file information
    #    - id, filename, filepath, last_modified, size, scan_time
    # 2. scanned_servers: Store discovered server information
    #    - id, hostname, ip_address, detected_os, open_ports, last_scan, is_reachable, scan_time
    def add_scanned_file(filename, filepath, last_modified, size):
        # Insert or update file record in database
        # Return file_id
    def add_scanned_server(hostname, ip, os, ports):
        # Insert or update server record in database
        # Return server_id
    def get_all_scanned_files():
        # Return all files from database
    def get_all_servers():
        # Return all servers from database
    def clear_scanned_files():
        # Delete all file records
    def clear_scanned_servers():
        # Delete all server records

2. Directory Scanner (backend/scan_dirs/

class DirectoryScanner:
    def scan_directories():
        # 1. Load directories from config.json
        # 2. For each configured directory:
        #    - Walk through directory recursively
        #    - For each file found:
        #      * Get file metadata (name, path, modified time, size)
        #      * Store in database via DatabaseManager
        # 3. Return list of all found files

3. Server Scanner (backend/scan_servers/

class SubnetScanner:
    def scan_subnets():
        # 1. Load subnets from config.json
        # 2. For each subnet:
        #    - Use nmap to scan network
        #    - For each host found:
        #      * Get hostname, IP, OS, open ports
        #      * Store in database via DatabaseManager
        # 3. Return list of all found servers

4. Main Backend API (backend/

# Flask REST API endpoints:

@app.route('/api/files', methods=['GET'])
def get_files():
    # 1. Get all files from database
    # 2. Format timestamps and metadata
    # 3. Return JSON response

@app.route('/api/servers', methods=['GET'])
def get_servers():
    # 1. Get all servers from database
    # 2. Get all files from database
    # 3. For each server:
    #    - Find matching backup files (by hostname/IP)
    #    - Determine backup status:
    #      * GREEN = backup < 1 year old
    #      * YELLOW = backup exists but > 1 year old
    #      * RED = no backup found
    # 4. Return JSON response

@app.route('/api/scan/directories', methods=['POST'])
def scan_directories():
    # 1. Create DirectoryScanner
    # 2. Run scan
    # 3. Return success/failure response

@app.route('/api/scan/servers', methods=['POST'])
def scan_servers():
    # 1. Create SubnetScanner
    # 2. Run scan
    # 3. Return success/failure response

@app.route('/api/config', methods=['GET', 'PUT'])
def handle_config():
    # GET: Return current config
    # PUT: Update config with new values

Frontend Architecture

1. Main Components

BackupStatus Page (frontend/src/pages/BackupStatus.jsx)

function BackupStatus():
    // 1. On component mount:
    //    - Fetch servers and files from API
    //    - Format data for display
    // 2. Render data grid showing:
    //    - Hostname
    //    - IP Address
    //    - OS
    //    - Backup File
    //    - Backup Time
    //    - Status (with color-coded chip)
    // 3. Allow sorting and filtering
    // 4. Provide CSV/Excel export

Servers Page (frontend/src/pages/Servers.jsx)

function Servers():
    // 1. Display list of discovered servers
    // 2. Show server details:
    //    - Hostname
    //    - IP
    //    - OS
    //    - Open ports
    // 3. Provide "Scan Servers" button
    // 4. Allow CSV export

Files Page (frontend/src/pages/Files.jsx)

function Files():
    // 1. Display list of discovered backup files
    // 2. Show file details:
    //    - Filename
    //    - Path
    //    - Size
    //    - Last modified
    // 3. Allow CSV export

Directories Page (frontend/src/pages/Directories.jsx)

function Directories():
    // 1. Display configured scan directories
    // 2. Provide "Scan Directories" button
    // 3. Show scan results

2. Shared Components

DataTable (frontend/src/components/DataTable.jsx)

function DataTable(data, columns):
    // 1. Render MUI DataGrid with:
    //    - Sortable columns
    //    - Status filtering
    //    - Export buttons
    // 2. Handle background colors based on status
    // 3. Format dates and sizes

ScanButton (frontend/src/components/ScanButton.jsx)

function ScanButton(onClick):
    // 1. Show loading state during scan
    // 2. Handle errors
    // 3. Provide visual feedback

Application Flow

Startup Process (

1. Check and install dependencies (nmap)
2. Start backend service:
   - Run Flask app on port 5000
   - Initialize database if needed
3. Start frontend service:
   - Run npm dev server
4. Handle cleanup on shutdown

Scanning Process

1. User initiates scan (manual or scheduled):
   a. Server Scan:
      - Scan configured subnets with nmap
      - Store results in database
   b. Directory Scan:
      - Scan configured directories
      - Store file info in database

2. Frontend periodically:
   - Fetches updated data
   - Updates UI with new status
   - Shows warnings for old/missing backups

Backup Status Determination

For each server:
1. Find backup files matching hostname/IP
2. Get most recent backup's age
3. Determine status:
   - GREEN: backup < 1 year old
   - YELLOW: backup exists but > 1 year old
   - RED: no backup found
4. Update UI with status and details

Configuration (config.json)

    "directories_to_scan": [
    "subnets_to_scan": [

Database Schema

Table: scanned_files

CREATE TABLE scanned_files (
    filename TEXT NOT NULL,
    filepath TEXT NOT NULL,
    last_modified TIMESTAMP,
    size INTEGER,

Table: scanned_servers

CREATE TABLE scanned_servers (
    hostname TEXT NOT NULL,
    ip_address TEXT,
    detected_os TEXT,
    open_ports TEXT,
    last_scan TIMESTAMP,
    is_reachable BOOLEAN,

Security Notes

  1. Requires root access for nmap scanning
  2. Database file permissions set to 666 for shared access
  3. CORS enabled for development
  4. No authentication implemented yet

Known Limitations

  1. Backup file matching based on hostname/IP in filename
  2. No standardized backup filename format
  3. SQLite database (not suitable for large deployments)
  4. Root access requirement for nmap