A webapp to check if all currently reachable servers have at a backup file in the specified target directories.
- Add a list of servers to check (using pypimap to fetch hostname, ip, ports, last scan time)
- Add a list of target directories to scan recurisvely (to fetch filenames)
- Add a database to store the list of servers and target directories (For now sqlite is fine, no need for DBMS like PostgreSQL or others yet).
- Add a backend api to allow launching scan_servers and scan_directories
- Add a frontend to allow user input.
Design Principle Problem: Still a "best effort" to assume backup files match the hostname/ip... we dont have a standardized filenaming format for acronis or tar backups so you might get a false positive like this
convert the backend from python to nodejs for better performance
settings button to edit the json config file from the front end (for example use npm install @mui/x-data-grid for the data grid)
root is required for nmap, might need a better way, but for now:
To Launch App as root:
sudo bash -c 'source /root/venv/bin/activate ; cd /home/p*/dev/backup_checker ; ./start-services-on-host.sh'
To Rebuild/Rescan SQlite database from scratchas root:
sudo bash -c 'rm - f /home/*p*/dev/backup_checker/backend/backup_checker.db; source /root/venv/bin/activate ; cd /home/*p*/dev/backup_checker/backend ; ./scan_dirs/scan_dirs.py ; ./scan_servers/scan_servers.py'
config validation in frontend/backend is needed, for now it accepts anything (and still works, becareful to never add to the list of servers to check)
need the docker-compose for both webapps to allow HMR modification of code (not COPY . . the code into the container into a read-only directory), or just embed node into environment.
need to make the CDN's all become embedded into the app for homelab without internet
Add some type of H1 to explain what this app does, its not easy to understand what this app does atm
add a search bar and filter for the backup status
Add button to clear files from database, another button to clear servers from database
Add maybe a log status modal that shows the status as it is nmap scanning, or if it is directory scanning