This is a todo cards webapp to emulate the copypasta. It is written in reactive MeteorJS3.1/Node22 (with Monaco Code Editor, which was added to package.json via meteor npm install @monaco-editor/react
As a bonus, the code editor allows pressing "F1" in the browser for a Command Pallette (Monaco)! And, there is a eventHandler for "Ctrl+Enter" to submit the code, so you can hit enter to submit your code, or you can use the command palette to submit your code!
Use a Linux Container or Host.
Install nodejs, npm, meteorjs
(and netstat if using the bash script on the host).
Launch it via one of these two methods:
On your Host Directly (Please carefully check the Bash Script before running it, and also: the host/docker/lxc requires minimum of 2gb ram to run this app):
On a Linux Container on your docker host (This will change perms, so you need to rebuild if you want on host again):
cd ./docker-build-scripts ./ # Only do this ONCE ./
Finally, open a web browser to http://localhost:3000, and upload a file or a note, and it will save those to
- FR: List view really should be vertical card and more indicitive if the text was too long, its difficult at the moment
- FR: Add a favicon to the webapp
- FR: When editing a card, the Monaco Editor width div is wider than the edit note div, causing a horizontal scrollbar to appear (This only appears at CERTAIN ZOOM LEVELS then continuing to ZOOM fixes it... weird!)
- FR: All/Notes/Files should be a Filter Iconified Button
- FR: Future CopyPasta3 should implement a Search button but meh this is not a priority atm.
- FR: Add authentication/login to this (Meh, Got Lazy and left this for the end.)
- FR: For Docker Best Practices, should run as a non-root user instead of root (to remove warnings during startup)
- FR: Refactor the terrifying App.jsx into multiple jsx files for the components (with their own imports and exports).
- FR: Use ImageMagick to make a thumbnail of the image and display it in the UI.
- FR: Add a search bar for notes and files (just another way to filter)
- FR: After updated to Meteor3.1 noticed dependency deprecated feature of: (node:10338) Warning: The
API is deprecated. Please use Object.assign() instead. For now, we will ignore this as it is not affecting our app and it is a external dependency which we cannot fix.