Testimonials plugin for Refinery CMS
Version 5.0 has breaking changes.
Although testimonials retain the same form, they are now associated with Refinery Pages via a has_many, through
In your Gemfile, add the gem:
gem 'refinerycms-testimonials', '~> 5.0'
Now, run bundle install
and the gem should install.
To install the migrations, run:
rails generate refinery:testimonials
rake db:migrate
rake db:seed
You can now add testimonials to the database through the Refinery CMS. The testimonials fields are
- quote (the actual testimonial)
- name (of testimonial sender)
- company ( ditto )
- website ( ditto )
- jobtitle ( ditto )
- received_channel (letter, email, facebook, twitter)
Testimonials can be associated with a Refinery Page using a testimonials Tab which the extension adds to the page editor.
By default testimonials are displayed as a multiple select tag.
These can be displayed as a two-sided select box using javascript, or could be shown with checkboxes.
To change the select to checkboxes you can over-ride the partial that creates the tab.
$ rails refinery:override view=testimonials/admin/testimonials/tabs/_select_testimonials
('select' in the filename indicating a choice, rather than a select statement.)
To get check boxes, replace the collection_select
in that file with
collection_check_boxes(:page, :testimonial_ids, @testimonials, :id, :name)
See Enabling Custom Layout Templates in this refinery guide
Somewhere in a view or layout you will need to call a testimonials partial.
<section id='side'>
<%= raw @page.content_for(:side) %>
<%= render 'refinery/testimonials/testimonials' %>
will render the CMS content for a page part called 'side', followed by some testimonials.
For more control over what is displayed the @testimonials
collection is available for you.
You can call your own partial to render the collection.
<%= render 'myTestimonials', @page.testimonials %>