This project is a simple Docker container definition that can be launched on DCOS from Mesosphere. It illustrates how our Ochopod technology can be used to manage MongoDB and automatically configure it into a functional ensemble.
Make sure you have DCOS setup over EC2. Then simply blast our little application JSON payload to one of your masters. For instance:
$ curl -s -XPOST http://<YOUR MASTER IP>:8080/v2/apps [email protected] -H "Content-Type: application/json"
Wait a bit for the image to be pulled and you will end up with a 3 nodes ensemble ! You can scale your Marathon task up and down and Ochopod will re-configure your ensemble !
Please note the JSON definition used for this example is not binding TCP 2181 to the host machine so you will have to see what port it has been remapped to if you want for instance to use this ensemble or send 4-letters commands.
Once you are done playing you can simply destroy the /mongodb/rs0 application.
Contact [email protected] for more information about this project.
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