Visit the Website here
- Responsivity Complete for Mobile Phones, Tablets and Laptops
- Settings Menu opens when Sidebar is hovered as mentioned in the Figma prototype
- Hover effects in Sidebar and Navbar Links Added
- Hover and Active effects on Input Boxes and Buttons Added
- All icons and images present in figma used
- Realtime Character Count below TextArea Added (used JS)
- Developed using HTML, CSS and JS (No external library used)
Create a replica of the figma link.
Following are the test cases you will have to pass in order to complete the problem set:
- Breakpoint targets are not set for this problem set. It should work across all screen sizes (you can see mobile screen as a reference given in the figma file).
- All the elements which are visible on the page are added.
- Colors are exactly as it is.
- Typography is exactly as it is
- Layout is exactly as it is on the page.
- Images are placed correctly.