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Launch the Anoma node and client from the elixir REPL (#3172)
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This PR changes how we launch the Anoma Client to avoid a bug with
linking cryptographic APIs.

libsodium cryptographic APIs like sign-detached cannot currently be
called from within the Anoma node or client binaries. Until this is
solved we must start both the node and client from the elixir REPL.
Previously we were starting the node using the REPL and the client using
the binary.

This commit changes the `start.exs` script we were using to start the
node to now start both a node and a client.

After this change we can enable Anoma compilation test `test077`.

The output of `juvix dev anoma node --anoma-dir ANOMA_DIR` is now:

Anoma node and client successfully started
Listening on port 51748
paulcadman authored Nov 14, 2024
1 parent 2b2c8ab commit 29041dc
Showing 4 changed files with 35 additions and 76 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions app/Commands/Dev/Anoma/Node.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -11,5 +11,5 @@ runCommand opts = runAppError @SimpleError
$ do
anomaDir :: AnomaPath <- AnomaPath <$> fromAppPathDir (opts ^. nodeAnomaPath)
runAnoma anomaDir $ do
p <- getAnomaProcesses
void (waitForProcess (p ^. anomaNodeHandle))
p <- getAnomaProcess
void (waitForProcess (p ^. anomaProcessHandle))
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion include/anoma/start.exs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1 +1 @@
103 changes: 31 additions & 72 deletions src/Anoma/Effect/Base.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -4,12 +4,11 @@
-- 2. grpcurl
module Anoma.Effect.Base
( Anoma,
AnomaPath (..),
AnomaProcesses (..),
AnomaProcess (..),
module Anoma.Rpc.Base,
@@ -26,85 +25,47 @@ import Juvix.Extra.Paths (anomaStartExs)
import Juvix.Prelude
import Juvix.Prelude.Aeson (Value, eitherDecodeStrict, encode)

data AnomaProcesses = AnomaProcesses
{ _anomaNodeHandle :: ProcessHandle,
_anomaClientHandle :: ProcessHandle
newtype AnomaProcess = AnomaProcess
{ _anomaProcessHandle :: ProcessHandle

newtype ListenPort = ListenPort Int

data Anoma :: Effect where
-- | Keep the node and client running
GetAnomaProcesses :: Anoma m AnomaProcesses
GetAnomaProcess :: Anoma m AnomaProcess
-- | grpc call
AnomaRpc :: GrpcMethodUrl -> Value -> Anoma m Value

makeSem ''Anoma
makeLenses ''AnomaProcesses
makeLenses ''AnomaProcess

newtype AnomaPath = AnomaPath {_anomaPath :: Path Abs Dir}

newtype GrpcPort = GrpcPort {_grpcPort :: Int}
newtype ClientGrpcPort = ClientGrpcPort {_clientGrpcPort :: Int}

makeLenses ''AnomaPath
makeLenses ''GrpcPort
makeLenses ''ClientGrpcPort

relativeToAnomaDir :: (Members '[Reader AnomaPath] r) => Path Rel x -> Sem r (Path Abs x)
relativeToAnomaDir p = do
anoma <- asks (^. anomaPath)
return (anoma <//> p)

withSpawnAnomaClient ::
(Members '[Process, Logger, EmbedIO, Reader AnomaPath, Reader GrpcPort, Error SimpleError] r) =>
(Int -> ProcessHandle -> Sem r a) ->
Sem r a
withSpawnAnomaClient body = do
cprocess <- mkProcess
withCreateProcess cprocess $ \_stdin mstdout _stderr procHandle -> do
let out = fromJust mstdout
txt <- hGetLine out
case span (/= '.') (unpack txt) of
("Connected to node", rest) -> do
let port = readJust (last (nonEmpty' (words rest)))
logInfo "Anoma client successfully started"
logInfo (mkAnsiText ("Listening on port " <> annotate AnnImportant (pretty port)))
body port procHandle
_ -> throw (SimpleError (mkAnsiText @Text "Something went wrong when starting the anoma client"))
mkProcess :: (Members '[Reader AnomaPath, Reader GrpcPort] r') => Sem r' CreateProcess
mkProcess = do
grpcport <- asks (^. grpcPort)
anomaClient <- relativeToAnomaDir clientRelFile
( proc
(toFilePath anomaClient)
[ "--listen-port",
show grpcport
{ std_out = CreatePipe

withSpawnAnomaNode ::
withSpawnAnomaNodeAndClient ::
forall r a.
(Members '[EmbedIO, Logger, Error SimpleError, Process, Reader AnomaPath] r) =>
(Int -> Handle -> ProcessHandle -> Sem r a) ->
(ClientGrpcPort -> ProcessHandle -> Sem r a) ->
Sem r a
withSpawnAnomaNode body = withSystemTempFile "start.exs" $ \fp tmpHandle -> do
liftIO (B.hPutStr tmpHandle anomaStartExs)
hClose tmpHandle
withSpawnAnomaNodeAndClient body = withSystemTempFile "start.exs" $ \fp tmpHandle -> do
liftIO (B.hPutStr tmpHandle anomaStartExs) >> hClose tmpHandle
cproc <- cprocess (toFilePath fp)
withCreateProcess cproc $ \_stdin mstdout _stderr procHandle -> do
let nodeOut = fromJust mstdout
ln <- hGetLine nodeOut
let parseError = throw (SimpleError (mkAnsiText ("Failed to parse the grpc port when starting the anoma client.\nExpected a number but got " <> ln)))
nodeport :: Int <- either (const parseError) return . readEither . unpack $ ln
logInfo "Anoma node successfully started"
body nodeport (fromJust mstdout) procHandle
let parseError = throw (SimpleError (mkAnsiText ("Failed to parse the client grpc port when starting the anoma node and client.\nExpected a number but got " <> ln)))
grpcPort :: Int <- either (const parseError) return . readEither . unpack $ ln
logInfo "Anoma node and client successfully started"
logInfo (mkAnsiText ("Listening on port " <> annotate AnnImportant (pretty grpcPort)))
body (ClientGrpcPort grpcPort) procHandle
cprocess :: (Members '[Reader AnomaPath] r') => FilePath -> Sem r' CreateProcess
cprocess exs = do
@@ -116,7 +77,7 @@ withSpawnAnomaNode body = withSystemTempFile "start.exs" $ \fp tmpHandle -> do

anomaRpc' ::
(Members '[Reader ListenPort, Reader AnomaPath, Process, EmbedIO, Error SimpleError] r) =>
(Members '[Reader ClientGrpcPort, Reader AnomaPath, Process, EmbedIO, Error SimpleError] r) =>
GrpcMethodUrl ->
Value ->
Sem r Value
@@ -133,10 +94,10 @@ anomaRpc' method payload = do
Right r -> return r
Left err -> throw (SimpleError (mkAnsiText err))

grpcCliProcess :: (Members '[Reader ListenPort, Reader AnomaPath] r) => GrpcMethodUrl -> Sem r CreateProcess
grpcCliProcess :: (Members '[Reader ClientGrpcPort, Reader AnomaPath] r) => GrpcMethodUrl -> Sem r CreateProcess
grpcCliProcess method = do
importPath <- relativeToAnomaDir relProtoDir
ListenPort listenPort <- ask
grpcPort <- asks (^. clientGrpcPort)
( proc
@@ -147,7 +108,7 @@ grpcCliProcess method = do
"localhost:" <> show listenPort,
"localhost:" <> show grpcPort,
show method
@@ -157,14 +118,12 @@ grpcCliProcess method = do

runAnoma :: forall r a. (Members '[Logger, EmbedIO, Error SimpleError] r) => AnomaPath -> Sem (Anoma ': r) a -> Sem r a
runAnoma anomapath body = runReader anomapath . runProcess $
withSpawnAnomaNode $ \grpcport _nodeOut nodeH ->
runReader (GrpcPort grpcport) $
withSpawnAnomaClient $ \listenPort clientH -> runReader (ListenPort listenPort) $ do
(`interpret` inject body) $ \case
GetAnomaProcesses ->
{ _anomaNodeHandle = nodeH,
_anomaClientHandle = clientH
AnomaRpc method i -> anomaRpc' method i
withSpawnAnomaNodeAndClient $ \grpcport anomaH ->
runReader grpcport $ do
(`interpret` inject body) $ \case
GetAnomaProcess ->
{ _anomaProcessHandle = anomaH
AnomaRpc method i -> anomaRpc' method i
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion test/Anoma/Compilation/Positive.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ classify AnomaTest {..} = case _anomaTestNum of
74 -> ClassExpectedFail
75 -> ClassWorking
76 -> ClassWorking
77 -> ClassNodeError
77 -> ClassWorking
78 -> ClassNodeError
79 -> ClassWorking
80 -> ClassWorking

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