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Add front-end support for case expressions boolean side conditions (#…
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- Syntax for #2804.
- ⚠️ Depends on #2869.

This pr introduces:
1. front-end support (parsing, printing, typechecking) for boolean side
conditions for branches of case expressions.
2. Now `if` is a reserved keyword.
3. Multiway `if` is allowed to have only the `else` branch. I've also
refactored the parser to be simpler.

 multiCaseBr : Nat :=
    case 1 of
      | zero
        | if 0 < 0 := 3
        | else := 4
      | suc (suc n)
        | if 0 < 0 := 3
        | else := n
      | suc n if 0 < 0 := 3;
The side if branches must satisfy the following.
1. There must be at least one `if` branch.
4. The `else` branch is optional. If present, it must be the last.

Future work:
1. Translate side if conditions to Core and extend the exhaustiveness
5. Add side if conditions to function clauses.
janmasrovira authored Jul 3, 2024


This commit was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
vbudhram Vijay Budhram
1 parent 7c8016d commit d08bf94
Showing 23 changed files with 892 additions and 179 deletions.
3 changes: 0 additions & 3 deletions src/Juvix/Compiler/Backend/Rust/Pretty/Keywords.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -6,9 +6,6 @@ import Juvix.Extra.Strings qualified as Str
kwFn :: Doc Ann
kwFn = keyword Str.rustFn

kwIf :: Doc Ann
kwIf = keyword Str.rustIf

kwElse :: Doc Ann
kwElse = keyword Str.rustElse

3 changes: 0 additions & 3 deletions src/Juvix/Compiler/Backend/VampIR/Pretty/Keywords.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -51,6 +51,3 @@ kwLessThan = keyword Str.vampirLessThan

kwLessOrEqual :: Doc Ann
kwLessOrEqual = keyword Str.vampirLessOrEqual

kwIf :: Doc Ann
kwIf = keyword Str.vampirIf
17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions src/Juvix/Compiler/Concrete/Data/IfBranchKind.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
module Juvix.Compiler.Concrete.Data.IfBranchKind where

import Juvix.Extra.Serialize
import Juvix.Prelude

data IfBranchKind
= -- | Boolean condition
| -- | Default branch
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)

instance Serialize IfBranchKind

instance NFData IfBranchKind

$(genSingletons [''IfBranchKind])
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/Juvix/Compiler/Concrete/Keywords.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -92,6 +92,7 @@ reservedKeywords =
228 changes: 188 additions & 40 deletions src/Juvix/Compiler/Concrete/Language.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ module Juvix.Compiler.Concrete.Language
module Juvix.Compiler.Concrete.Data.IsOpenShort,
module Juvix.Compiler.Concrete.Data.LocalModuleOrigin,
module Juvix.Data.IteratorInfo,
module Juvix.Compiler.Concrete.Data.IfBranchKind,
module Juvix.Compiler.Concrete.Data.Name,
module Juvix.Compiler.Concrete.Data.Stage,
module Juvix.Compiler.Concrete.Data.NameRef,
@@ -23,6 +24,7 @@ where
import Data.Kind qualified as GHC
import Juvix.Compiler.Backend.Markdown.Data.Types (Mk)
import Juvix.Compiler.Concrete.Data.Builtins
import Juvix.Compiler.Concrete.Data.IfBranchKind
import Juvix.Compiler.Concrete.Data.IsOpenShort
import Juvix.Compiler.Concrete.Data.Literal
import Juvix.Compiler.Concrete.Data.LocalModuleOrigin
@@ -57,6 +59,16 @@ type family FieldArgIxType s = res | res -> s where
FieldArgIxType 'Parsed = ()
FieldArgIxType 'Scoped = Int

type SideIfBranchConditionType :: Stage -> IfBranchKind -> GHC.Type
type family SideIfBranchConditionType s k = res where
SideIfBranchConditionType s 'BranchIfBool = ExpressionType s
SideIfBranchConditionType _ 'BranchIfElse = ()

type IfBranchConditionType :: Stage -> IfBranchKind -> GHC.Type
type family IfBranchConditionType s k = res where
IfBranchConditionType s 'BranchIfBool = ExpressionType s
IfBranchConditionType _ 'BranchIfElse = Irrelevant KeywordRef

type ModuleIdType :: Stage -> ModuleIsTop -> GHC.Type
type family ModuleIdType s t = res where
ModuleIdType 'Parsed _ = ()
@@ -1706,11 +1718,136 @@ deriving stock instance Ord (Let 'Parsed)

deriving stock instance Ord (Let 'Scoped)

data SideIfBranch (s :: Stage) (k :: IfBranchKind) = SideIfBranch
{ _sideIfBranchPipe :: Irrelevant (Maybe KeywordRef),
_sideIfBranchKw :: Irrelevant KeywordRef,
_sideIfBranchCondition :: SideIfBranchConditionType s k,
_sideIfBranchAssignKw :: Irrelevant KeywordRef,
_sideIfBranchBody :: ExpressionType s
deriving stock (Generic)

instance Serialize (SideIfBranch 'Scoped 'BranchIfBool)

instance Serialize (SideIfBranch 'Scoped 'BranchIfElse)

instance NFData (SideIfBranch 'Scoped 'BranchIfBool)

instance NFData (SideIfBranch 'Scoped 'BranchIfElse)

instance Serialize (SideIfBranch 'Parsed 'BranchIfBool)

instance Serialize (SideIfBranch 'Parsed 'BranchIfElse)

instance NFData (SideIfBranch 'Parsed 'BranchIfElse)

instance NFData (SideIfBranch 'Parsed 'BranchIfBool)

deriving stock instance Show (SideIfBranch 'Parsed 'BranchIfElse)

deriving stock instance Show (SideIfBranch 'Parsed 'BranchIfBool)

deriving stock instance Show (SideIfBranch 'Scoped 'BranchIfElse)

deriving stock instance Show (SideIfBranch 'Scoped 'BranchIfBool)

deriving stock instance Eq (SideIfBranch 'Parsed 'BranchIfElse)

deriving stock instance Eq (SideIfBranch 'Parsed 'BranchIfBool)

deriving stock instance Eq (SideIfBranch 'Scoped 'BranchIfElse)

deriving stock instance Eq (SideIfBranch 'Scoped 'BranchIfBool)

deriving stock instance Ord (SideIfBranch 'Parsed 'BranchIfElse)

deriving stock instance Ord (SideIfBranch 'Parsed 'BranchIfBool)

deriving stock instance Ord (SideIfBranch 'Scoped 'BranchIfElse)

deriving stock instance Ord (SideIfBranch 'Scoped 'BranchIfBool)

data SideIfs (s :: Stage) = SideIfs
{ _sideIfBranches :: NonEmpty (SideIfBranch s 'BranchIfBool),
_sideIfElse :: Maybe (SideIfBranch s 'BranchIfElse)
deriving stock (Generic)

instance Serialize (SideIfs 'Scoped)

instance NFData (SideIfs 'Scoped)

instance Serialize (SideIfs 'Parsed)

instance NFData (SideIfs 'Parsed)

deriving stock instance Show (SideIfs 'Parsed)

deriving stock instance Show (SideIfs 'Scoped)

deriving stock instance Eq (SideIfs 'Parsed)

deriving stock instance Eq (SideIfs 'Scoped)

deriving stock instance Ord (SideIfs 'Parsed)

deriving stock instance Ord (SideIfs 'Scoped)

data RhsExpression (s :: Stage) = RhsExpression
{ _rhsExpressionAssignKw :: Irrelevant KeywordRef,
_rhsExpression :: ExpressionType s
deriving stock (Generic)

instance Serialize (RhsExpression 'Scoped)

instance NFData (RhsExpression 'Scoped)

instance Serialize (RhsExpression 'Parsed)

instance NFData (RhsExpression 'Parsed)

deriving stock instance Show (RhsExpression 'Parsed)

deriving stock instance Show (RhsExpression 'Scoped)

deriving stock instance Eq (RhsExpression 'Parsed)

deriving stock instance Eq (RhsExpression 'Scoped)

deriving stock instance Ord (RhsExpression 'Parsed)

deriving stock instance Ord (RhsExpression 'Scoped)

data CaseBranchRhs (s :: Stage)
= CaseBranchRhsExpression (RhsExpression s)
| CaseBranchRhsIf (SideIfs s)
deriving stock (Generic)

instance Serialize (CaseBranchRhs 'Scoped)

instance NFData (CaseBranchRhs 'Scoped)

instance Serialize (CaseBranchRhs 'Parsed)

instance NFData (CaseBranchRhs 'Parsed)

deriving stock instance Show (CaseBranchRhs 'Parsed)

deriving stock instance Show (CaseBranchRhs 'Scoped)

deriving stock instance Eq (CaseBranchRhs 'Parsed)

deriving stock instance Eq (CaseBranchRhs 'Scoped)

deriving stock instance Ord (CaseBranchRhs 'Parsed)

deriving stock instance Ord (CaseBranchRhs 'Scoped)

data CaseBranch (s :: Stage) = CaseBranch
{ _caseBranchPipe :: Irrelevant (Maybe KeywordRef),
_caseBranchAssignKw :: Irrelevant KeywordRef,
_caseBranchPattern :: PatternParensType s,
_caseBranchExpression :: ExpressionType s
_caseBranchRhs :: CaseBranchRhs s
deriving stock (Generic)

@@ -1818,66 +1955,58 @@ deriving stock instance Ord (NewCase 'Parsed)

deriving stock instance Ord (NewCase 'Scoped)

data IfBranch (s :: Stage) = IfBranch
data IfBranch (s :: Stage) (k :: IfBranchKind) = IfBranch
{ _ifBranchPipe :: Irrelevant KeywordRef,
_ifBranchAssignKw :: Irrelevant KeywordRef,
_ifBranchCondition :: ExpressionType s,
_ifBranchCondition :: IfBranchConditionType s k,
_ifBranchExpression :: ExpressionType s
deriving stock (Generic)

instance Serialize (IfBranch 'Scoped)
instance Serialize (IfBranch 'Scoped 'BranchIfBool)

instance NFData (IfBranch 'Scoped)
instance Serialize (IfBranch 'Scoped 'BranchIfElse)

instance Serialize (IfBranch 'Parsed)
instance NFData (IfBranch 'Scoped 'BranchIfBool)

instance NFData (IfBranch 'Parsed)
instance NFData (IfBranch 'Scoped 'BranchIfElse)

deriving stock instance Show (IfBranch 'Parsed)
instance Serialize (IfBranch 'Parsed 'BranchIfBool)

deriving stock instance Show (IfBranch 'Scoped)
instance Serialize (IfBranch 'Parsed 'BranchIfElse)

deriving stock instance Eq (IfBranch 'Parsed)
instance NFData (IfBranch 'Parsed 'BranchIfElse)

deriving stock instance Eq (IfBranch 'Scoped)
instance NFData (IfBranch 'Parsed 'BranchIfBool)

deriving stock instance Ord (IfBranch 'Parsed)
deriving stock instance Show (IfBranch 'Parsed 'BranchIfElse)

deriving stock instance Ord (IfBranch 'Scoped)
deriving stock instance Show (IfBranch 'Parsed 'BranchIfBool)

data IfBranchElse (s :: Stage) = IfBranchElse
{ _ifBranchElsePipe :: Irrelevant KeywordRef,
_ifBranchElseAssignKw :: Irrelevant KeywordRef,
_ifBranchElseKw :: Irrelevant KeywordRef,
_ifBranchElseExpression :: ExpressionType s
deriving stock (Generic)

instance Serialize (IfBranchElse 'Scoped)
deriving stock instance Show (IfBranch 'Scoped 'BranchIfElse)

instance NFData (IfBranchElse 'Scoped)
deriving stock instance Show (IfBranch 'Scoped 'BranchIfBool)

instance Serialize (IfBranchElse 'Parsed)
deriving stock instance Eq (IfBranch 'Parsed 'BranchIfElse)

instance NFData (IfBranchElse 'Parsed)
deriving stock instance Eq (IfBranch 'Parsed 'BranchIfBool)

deriving stock instance Show (IfBranchElse 'Parsed)
deriving stock instance Eq (IfBranch 'Scoped 'BranchIfElse)

deriving stock instance Show (IfBranchElse 'Scoped)
deriving stock instance Eq (IfBranch 'Scoped 'BranchIfBool)

deriving stock instance Eq (IfBranchElse 'Parsed)
deriving stock instance Ord (IfBranch 'Parsed 'BranchIfElse)

deriving stock instance Eq (IfBranchElse 'Scoped)
deriving stock instance Ord (IfBranch 'Parsed 'BranchIfBool)

deriving stock instance Ord (IfBranchElse 'Parsed)
deriving stock instance Ord (IfBranch 'Scoped 'BranchIfElse)

deriving stock instance Ord (IfBranchElse 'Scoped)
deriving stock instance Ord (IfBranch 'Scoped 'BranchIfBool)

data If (s :: Stage) = If
{ _ifKw :: KeywordRef,
_ifBranches :: NonEmpty (IfBranch s),
_ifBranchElse :: IfBranchElse s
_ifBranches :: [IfBranch s 'BranchIfBool],
_ifBranchElse :: IfBranch s 'BranchIfElse
deriving stock (Generic)

@@ -2468,6 +2597,9 @@ deriving stock instance Ord (JudocAtom 'Parsed)

deriving stock instance Ord (JudocAtom 'Scoped)

makeLenses ''SideIfs
makeLenses ''SideIfBranch
makeLenses ''RhsExpression
makeLenses ''PatternArg
makeLenses ''WildcardConstructor
makeLenses ''DoubleBracesExpression
@@ -2526,7 +2658,6 @@ makeLenses ''Case
makeLenses ''CaseBranch
makeLenses ''If
makeLenses ''IfBranch
makeLenses ''IfBranchElse
makeLenses ''PatternBinding
makeLenses ''PatternAtoms
makeLenses ''ExpressionAtoms
@@ -2732,20 +2863,37 @@ instance HasLoc (Function 'Scoped) where
instance HasLoc (Let 'Scoped) where
getLoc l = getLoc (l ^. letKw) <> getLoc (l ^. letExpression)

instance (SingI s) => HasLoc (SideIfBranch s k) where
getLoc SideIfBranch {..} =
(getLoc <$> _sideIfBranchPipe ^. unIrrelevant)
?<> getLocExpressionType _sideIfBranchBody

instance (SingI s) => HasLoc (SideIfs s) where
getLoc SideIfs {..} =
getLocSpan _sideIfBranches
<>? (getLoc <$> _sideIfElse)

instance (SingI s) => HasLoc (RhsExpression s) where
getLoc RhsExpression {..} =
getLoc _rhsExpressionAssignKw
<> getLocExpressionType _rhsExpression

instance (SingI s) => HasLoc (CaseBranchRhs s) where
getLoc = \case
CaseBranchRhsExpression e -> getLoc e
CaseBranchRhsIf e -> getLoc e

instance (SingI s) => HasLoc (CaseBranch s) where
getLoc c = case c ^. caseBranchPipe . unIrrelevant of
Nothing -> branchLoc
Just p -> getLoc p <> branchLoc
branchLoc :: Interval
branchLoc = getLocExpressionType (c ^. caseBranchExpression)
branchLoc = getLoc (c ^. caseBranchRhs)

instance (SingI s) => HasLoc (IfBranch s) where
instance (SingI s) => HasLoc (IfBranch s k) where
getLoc c = getLoc (c ^. ifBranchPipe) <> getLocExpressionType (c ^. ifBranchExpression)

instance (SingI s) => HasLoc (IfBranchElse s) where
getLoc c = getLoc (c ^. ifBranchElsePipe) <> getLocExpressionType (c ^. ifBranchElseExpression)

instance (SingI s) => HasLoc (Case s) where
getLoc c = getLoc (c ^. caseKw) <> getLoc (c ^. caseBranches . to last)


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