This repository contains figures relevant to the discussion on OpenReview.
The curve showing the effects of step size on FGSM adversarial training on CIFAR10 can be found here. Note that the the error bars represent standard deviation over 3 different random seeds.
A table containing the performance of R+FGSM as done by Ensemble Adversarial Training is in the following table, with several tweaks showing the effect of various choices in the adversary. The results are over 10 random seeds. Note that using a uniform initialization adds the greatest improvement to the original R+FGSM attack, while a full step size doesn't seem to help on its own. Implementing both of these improvements results in the form of FGSM adversarial training presented in our paper.
Attack | Mean PGD accuracy | Standard deviation |
R+FGSM | 34.58% | 36.06 |
R+FGSM (uniform init) | 72.92% | 10.40 |
R+FGSM (full step size) | 26.53% | 32.48 |
Uniform + full (ours) | 86.21% | 00.75 |