This project demonstrate microservice architecture using spring boot, srping cloud, netfilx eureka, netflix zuul, and oauth.
Contains four component all of them are independently deployable applications.
This service maintain the registry of all the microservices that has been deployed. I have used netflix eureka in this project. To register service to service-registrar
we need to specify property like below.
The client can make request to each of the microservices directily, to do that client needs to know all the endpoint addresses but there are challenges with this option.
Things would have been easy for a client if we had a single entry point which routes the request to the appropriate backend service.
To provide single entry point I have used netflix zuul, we need to configure zuul to route the request by specifying routes using properties under zuul.routes.NAME
where NAME is the application name as per
property. Below is the routing configuration for order-service.
To access any resource authentication is required. Instead of using the resource owner's credentials to access protected resources, the client obtains an access token.
To generate access token basic authorization header with client id
and secret
encoded in Base64
should be passed as authorization header.
Name | Value |
Client Id | trusted-app |
Secret | password |
POST /auth-api/oauth/token HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Authorization: Basic dHJ1c3RlZC1hcHA6cGFzc3dvcmQ=
Host: localhost:8765
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
"access_token": "02db66a1-6bd0-4240-bed4-556ec3fdfc6c",
"token_type": "bearer",
"refresh_token": "06b8a0c8-5ef5-4b77-87ef-c7256bab7c17",
"expires_in": 44512,
"scope": "read write trust",
"name": "Demo"
- Resources can be access using access token either by passing access_token in url <resource_url>?access_token=<access_token> or by passing as authrization header Authorization: Bearer <access_token>. This document will use Authorization header to access resources.
To access api of order-service
the user needs to be authenticated via authentication-service
GET /orders HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Authorization: Bearer 02db66a1-6bd0-4240-bed4-556ec3fdfc6c
Host: localhost:8765
Content-Type: application/json