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Releases: ansible-collections/ 5.5.2

10 Aug 15:45
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  • cloudwatchevent_rule - Fixes changed status to report False when no change has been made. The module had incorrectly always reported a change. (#1589)
  • ec2_vpc_nat_gateway - fixes to nat gateway so that when the user creates a private NAT gateway, an Elastic IP address should not be allocated. The module had inncorrectly always allocate elastic IP address when creating private nat gateway (#1632).
  • lambda_execute - Fixes to the stack trace output, where it does not contain spaces between each character. The module had incorrectly always outputted extra spaces between each character. (#1615) 6.1.0

10 Aug 13:56
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Release Summary

This release brings some new features, several bugfixes, and deprecated features are also included.

Minor Changes

  • ec2_snapshot - Add support for modifying createVolumePermission (#1464).
  • ec2_snapshot_info - Add createVolumePermission to output result (#1464).

Deprecated Features

  • s3_object - support for passing object keys with a leading / has been deprecated and will be removed in a release after 2025-12-01 (#1549).


  • autoscaling_group - fix ValidationError when describing an autoscaling group that has more than 20 target groups attached to it by breaking the request into chunks (#1593).
  • autoscaling_group_info - fix ValidationError when describing an autoscaling group that has more than 20 target groups attached to it by breaking the request into chunks (#1593).
  • ec2_instance - fix check_mode issue when adding network interfaces (#1403).
  • ec2_metadata_facts - Handle decompression when EC2 instance user-data is gzip compressed. The fetch_url method from ansible.module_utils.urls does not decompress the user-data unless the header explicitly contains Content-Encoding: gzip (#1575).
  • elb_application_lb - fix missing attributes on creation of ALB. The create_or_update_alb() was including ALB-specific attributes when updating an existing ALB but not when creating a new ALB (#1510).
  • module_utils.acm - fixes list_certificates returning only RSA_2048 certificates (#1567).
  • rds_instance - add support for CACertificateIdentifier to create/update rds instance (#1459)." 5.5.1

10 Aug 15:48
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Release Summary

This release brings few bugfixes.


  • autoscaling_group - fix ValidationError when describing an autoscaling group that has more than 20 target groups attached to it by breaking the request into chunks (#1593).
  • autoscaling_group_info - fix ValidationError when describing an autoscaling group that has more than 20 target groups attached to it by breaking the request into chunks (#1593).
  • aws_account_attribute - raise correct AnsibleLookupError rather than AnsibleError (#1528).
  • aws_secret - raise correct AnsibleLookupError rather than AnsibleError (#1528).
  • aws_service_ip_ranges raise correct AnsibleLookupError rather than AnsibleError (#1528).
  • aws_ssm - raise correct AnsibleLookupError rather than AnsibleError (#1528).
  • ec2_instance - fix check_mode issue when adding network interfaces (#1403).
  • elb_application_lb - fix missing attributes on creation of ALB. The create_or_update_alb() was including ALB-specific attributes when updating an existing ALB but not when creating a new ALB (#1510). 6.0.1

10 Aug 14:11
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Release Summary

This is a patch release that includes some bug fixes for the aws_ec2 inventory plugin and the s3_bucket and s3_object modules.


  • aws_ec2 inventory plugin - fix NoRegionError when no regions are provided and region isn't specified (#1551).
  • s3_bucket - fixes issue when deleting a bucket with unversioned objects (#1533).
  • s3_object - fixes regression related to objects with a leading / (#1548). 6.0.0

10 Aug 14:18
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Release Summary

This release brings some new plugins and features. Several bugfixes, breaking changes and deprecated features are also included. The collection has dropped support for botocore<1.25.0 and boto3<1.22.0. Support for Python 3.6 has also been dropped.

Minor Changes

  • Add github actions to run unit and sanity tests.(#1393).
  • AnsibleAWSModule - add support to the client and resource methods for overriding the default parameters (#1303).
  • - refactors and adds to contributor documentation (#924)
  • Refactor inventory plugins and add aws_rds inventory unit tests (#1218).
  • Refactor module_utils/ and add unit tests (#1265).
  • The black code formatter has been run across the collection to improve code consistency (#1465).
  • inventory plugins - additional refactorization of inventory plugin connection handling (#1271).
  • lookup plugins - aws_access_key has been renamed to access_key for consistency between modules and plugins, aws_access_key remains as an alias. This change should have no observable effect for users outside the module/plugin documentation (#1225).
  • lookup plugins - aws_profile has been renamed to profile for consistency between modules and plugins, aws_profile remains as an alias. This change should have no observable effect for users outside the module/plugin documentation (#1225).
  • lookup plugins - aws_secret_key has been renamed to secret_key for consistency between modules and plugins, aws_secret_key remains as an alias. This change should have no observable effect for users outside the module/plugin documentation (#1225).
  • lookup plugins - aws_security_token has been renamed to session_token for consistency between modules and plugins, aws_security_token remains as an alias. This change should have no observable effect for users outside the module/plugin documentation (#1225).
  • modules - bulk update of import statements following various refactors (#1310).
  • autoscaling_group - minor linting fixes (#1181).
  • aws_account_attribute - the aws_account_attribute lookup plugin has been refactored to use AWSLookupBase as its base class (#1225).
  • aws_ec2 inventory - minor linting fixes (#1181).
  • aws_secret - the aws_secret lookup plugin has been refactored to use AWSLookupBase as its base class (#1225).
  • aws_secret - the aws_secret lookup plugin has been renamed secretsmanager_secret, aws_secret remains as an alias (#1225).
  • aws_ssm - the aws_ssm lookup plugin has been refactored to use AWSLookupBase as its base class (#1225).
  • aws_ssm - the aws_ssm lookup plugin has been renamed ssm_parameter, aws_ssm remains as an alias (#1225).
  • backup - Add logic for backup_selection* modules (#1530).
  • bulk migration of % and .format() to fstrings (#1483).
  • cloud module_utils - minor linting fixes (#1181).
  • cloudtrail_info - minor linting fixes (#1181).
  • cloudwatchlogs_log_group - minor linting fixes (#1181).
  • docs_fragments - fragment now pulls the botocore version requirements from module_utils.botocore (#1248).
  • docs_fragments - common parameters for modules and plugins have been synchronised and moved to and (#1248).
  • docs_fragments - region parameters for modules and plugins have been synchronised and moved to and (#1248).
  • ec2_ami - Extend the unit-test coverage of the module (#1159).
  • ec2_ami - allow ImageAvailable waiter to retry when the image can't be found (#1321).
  • ec2_ami_info - Add unit-tests coverage (#1252).
  • ec2_eip - minor linting fixes (#1181).
  • ec2_eni_info - Add unit-tests coverage (#1236).
  • ec2_instance - avoid changing module.params (#1187).
  • ec2_instance - updated to avoid manipulating module.params (#1337).
  • ec2_security_group - added rule options to argument specifications to improve handling of inputs (#1214).
  • ec2_security_group - refacter get_target_from_rule() (#1221).
  • ec2_security_group - refactor rule expansion and add unit tests (#1261).
  • ec2_snapshot - Reenable the integration tests (#1235).
  • ec2_snapshot_info - Add unit-tests coverage (#1211).
  • ec2_vpc_route_table - add support for Carrier Gateway entry (#926).
  • ec2_vpc_subnet - retry fetching subnet details after creation if the first attempt fails (#1526).
  • inventory aws ec2 - add parameter use_ssm_inventory allowing to query ssm inventory information for configured EC2 instances and populate hostvars (#704).
  • inventory plugins - refactor cache handling (#1285).
  • inventory plugins - refactor file verification handling (#1285).
  • inventory_aws_ec2 integration tests - replace local module test_get_ssm_inventory by (#1416).
  • kms_key_info - minor linting fixes (#1181).
  • lambda - minor linting fixes (#1181).
  • lambda - use common get_aws_account_info helper rather than reimplementing (#1181).
  • lambda_alias - refactored to avoid passing around the complex module resource (#1336).
  • lambda_alias - updated to avoid manipulating module.params (#1336).
  • lambda_execute - minor linting fixes (#1181).
  • lambda_info - updated to avoid manipulating module.params (#1336).
  • lambda_layer_info - add support for parameter version_number to retrieve detailed information for a specific layer version (#1293).
  • module_utils - move RetryingBotoClientWrapper into module_utils.retries for reuse with other plugin types (#1230).
  • module_utils - move exceptions into dedicated python module (#1246).
  • module_utils - refacter botocore version validation into module_utils.botocore for future reuse (#1227).
  • module_utils.acm - Refactor ACMServiceManager class and add unit tests (#1273).
  • module_utils.botocore - Add Ansible AWS User-Agent identification (#1306).
  • module_utils.botocore - refactorization of get_aws_region, get_aws_connection_info so that the code can be reused by non-module plugins (#1231).
  • module_utils.policy - minor refacter of code to reduce complexity and improve test coverage (#1136).
  • module_utils.s3 - Refactor get_s3_connection into a module_utils for S3 modules and expand module_utils.s3 unit tests (#1139).
  • module_utils/botocore - added support to _boto3_conn for passing dictionaries of configuration (#1307).
  • plugin_utils - Added AWSConnectionBase to support refactoring connection plugins (<...
Read more 5.5.0

10 Aug 15:51
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Release Summary

This release contains a number of bugfixes, new features and new modules. This is the last planned minor release prior to the release of version 6.0.0.

Minor Changes

  • Add connectivity_type to ec2_vpc_nat_gateway module (#1267).
  • cloudwatch - Add metrics and extended_statistic keys to cloudwatch module (#1133).
  • ec2_ami - add support for BootMode, TpmSupport, UefiData params (#1037).
  • ec2_metadata_facts - added support to query instance tags in metadata (#1186).
  • kms_key - Add multi_region option to create_key (#1290).
  • lambda - add support for function layers when creating or updating lambda function (#1118).
  • lambda_event - Added support to set FunctionResponseTypes when creating lambda event source mappings (#1209).
  • module_utils/elbv2 - removed compatibility code for botocore < 1.10.30 (#1477).
  • rds_cluster - New engine_mode parameter (#941).
  • rds_cluster - add new options (e.g., db_cluster_instance_class, allocated_storage, storage_type, iops) (#1191).
  • rds_cluster - update list of supported engines with mysql and postgres (#1191).
  • s3_bucket - ensure public_access is configured before updating policies (#1511).


  • cloudwatch_metric_alarm - Don't consider StateTransitionedTimestamp in change detection. (#1440).
  • ec2_instance - Pick up app_callback -> set_password rather than app_callback -> set_passwd (#1449).
  • lambda_info - Do not convert environment variables to snake_case when querying lambda config. (#1457).
  • rds_instance - fix type of promotion_tier as passed to the APIs (#1475).

New Modules

  • lambda_layer - Creates an AWS Lambda layer or deletes an AWS Lambda layer version
  • lambda_layer_info - List lambda layer or lambda layer versions 4.5.0

10 Aug 18:08
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Release Summary

This release contains a minor bugfix for the ec2_vol module, some minor work on the ec2_key module, and various documentation fixes. This is the last planned release of the 4.x series.

Minor Changes

  • ec2_key - minor refactoring and improved unit-tests coverage (#1288).


  • ec2_vol - handle ec2_vol.tags when the associated instance already exists (#1071). 5.4.0

27 Mar 13:53
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Release Summary

This release includes bugfixes for the ec2_metadata_facts, ec2_vol, rds_instance and route53_info modules, as well as feature enhancements for the ec2_spot_instance and route53_health_check modules see changelog for details

Minor Changes

  • ec2_spot_instance - add parameter terminate_instances to support terminate instances associated with spot requests. (#1402).
  • route53_health_check - added support for enabling Latency graphs (MeasureLatency) during creation of a Route53 Health Check. (#1201).


  • ec2_metadata_facts - fix AttributeError when running the ec2_metadata_facts module on Python 2 managed nodes (#1358).
  • ec2_vol - handle ec2_vol.tags when the associated instance already exists (#1071).
  • rds_instance - Fixed TypeError when tagging RDS DB with storage type gp3 (#1437).
  • route53_info - Add new return key health_check_observations for health check operations (#1419).
  • route53_info - Fixed Key Error when getting status or failure_reason of a health check (#1419). 5.3.0

27 Mar 13:51
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Release Summary

This release brings some minor changes, bugfixes, and deprecated features.

Minor Changes

  • ec2_instance - more consistently return instances information (#964).
  • ec2_instance - remove unused import (#1350).
  • ec2_key - Add unit-tests coverage (#1288).
  • ec2_vpc_nat_gateway - ensure allocation_id is defined before potential access (#1350).
  • route53_zone - added support for associating multiple VPCs to route53 hosted zones (#1300).
  • s3_bucket - add option to support creation of buckets with object lock enabled (#1372).

Deprecated Features

  • support for passing both profile and security tokens through a mix of environment variables and parameters has been deprecated and support will be removed in release 6.0.0. After release 6.0.0 it will only be possible to pass either a profile or security tokens, regardless of mechanism used to pass them. To explicitly block a parameter coming from an environment variable pass an empty string as the parameter value. Support for passing profile and security tokens together was originally deprecated in release 1.2.0, however only partially implemented in release 5.0.0 (#1355).


  • cloudtrail - support to disabling encryption using kms_key_id (#1384).
  • ec2_key - fix issue when trying to update existing key pair with the same key material (#1383).
  • module_utils/elbv2 - fix change detection by adding default values for Scope and SessionTimeout parameters in authenticate-oidc rules (#1270).
  • module_utils/elbv2 - respect UseExistingClientSecret parameter in authenticate-oidc rules (#1270).
  • revert breaking change introduced in 5.2.0 when passing credentials through a mix of environment variables and parameters (#1353).
  • s3_bucket - empty bucket policy was throwing a JSONDecodeError - deal with it gracefully instead (#1368) 5.2.0

27 Jan 13:02
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Release Summary

A minor release containing bugfixes for the ec2_eni_info module and the aws_rds inventory plugin, as well as improvements to the rds_instance module.

Minor Changes collection - refacterization of code to use argument specification fallback when falling back to environment variables for security credentials and AWS connection details (#1174).

rds_instance - Split up the integration test-suite in a series of smaller tests (#1185).

rds_instance - add support for gp3 storage type (#1266).


aws_rds - fixes bug in RDS inventory plugin where config file was ignored (#1304).

lambda - fix flaky integration test which assumes there are no other lambdas in the account (#1277)