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KubeVirt Collection for Ansible

THIS COLLECTION IS UNMAINTAINED AND DOES NOT WORK CORRECTLY WITH THE LATEST VERSIONS OF ANSIBLE!. Take a look if a replacing collection kubevirt.core provides functionality you need. If you're interested in fixing and maintaining community.kubevirt, please respond in the issue but we highly recommend you to consider contributing to kubevirt.core instead.

CI Codecov

This repo hosts the community.kubevirt Ansible Collection which is a part of the Ansible package.

The collection includes a variety of Ansible content to automate the management of KubeVirt container native virtualization environments.

Code of Conduct

We follow the Ansible Code of Conduct in all our interactions within this project.

If you encounter abusive behavior violating the Ansible Code of Conduct, please refer to the policy violations section of the Code of Conduct for information on how to raise a complaint.

Contributing to this collection

The content of this collection is made by people like you, a community of individuals collaborating on making the world better through developing automation software.

We are actively accepting new contributors.

Any kinds of contributions are very welcome.

You don't know how to start? Refer to our Contribution guide!

To learn more about ways of how you can contribe to Ansible and what you can achieve, refer to the Contributing to the Project guidelines and the Contributor Path.

Collection maintenance

The current maintainers (contributors with writeor higher access) are listed in the MAINTAINERS file. If you have questions or need help, feel free to mention them in the proposals.

To learn how to maintain / become a maintainer of this collection, refer to the Maintainer guidelines.

It is necessary for maintainers of this collection to be subscribed to:

  • The collection itself (the Watch button -> All Activity in the upper right corner of the repository's homepage).
  • The "Changes Impacting Collection Contributors and Maintainers" issue.

They also should be subscribed to Ansible's The Bullhorn newsletter.

Releasing the collection

We release the collection using the Collection releasing guidelines.

The collection follows the Semantic Versioning.

See the changelog.


We announce releases and important changes through Ansible's The Bullhorn newsletter. Be sure you are subscribed.

Join us in the #ansible (general use questions and support), #ansible-community (community and collection development questions), and other IRC channels on Libera.Chat.

We take part in the global quarterly Ansible Contributor Summit virtually or in-person. Track The Bullhorn newsletter and join us.

For more information about communication, refer to the Ansible Communication guide.


The process of decision making in this collection is based on discussing and finding consensus among participants.

Every voice is important and every idea is valuable. If you have something on your mind, create an issue or dedicated discussion and let's discuss it!

External requirements

  • python >= 2.7
  • openshift >= 0.8.2

Included Content


  • kubevirt_cdi_upload: Upload local VM images to CDI Upload Proxy.
  • kubevirt_preset: Manage KubeVirt virtual machine presets.
  • kubevirt_pvc: Manage PVCs on Kubernetes.
  • kubevirt_rs: Manage KubeVirt virtual machine replica sets.
  • kubevirt_template: Manage KubeVirt templates.
  • kubevirt_vm: Manage KubeVirt virtual machine.


  • kubevirt: KubeVirt inventory source.

Using this collection

Checking the Collection version

To check if the collection is installed on your system and its current version, run the following command:

ansible-galaxy collection list community.kubevirt

Installing the Collection from Ansible Galaxy

Before using the kubevirt collection, you need to install it with the Ansible Galaxy CLI:

ansible-galaxy collection install community.kubevirt

You can also include it in a requirements.yml file and install it via ansible-galaxy collection install -r requirements.yml, using the format:

  - name: community.kubevirt

Note that if you install the collection from Ansible Galaxy, it will not be upgraded automatically if you upgrade the Ansible package. To upgrade the collection to the latest available version, run the following command:

ansible-galaxy collection install community.kubevirt --upgrade

You can also install a specific version of the collection, for example, if you need to downgrade when something is broken in the latest version (please report an issue in this repository). Use the following syntax:

ansible-galaxy collection install community.kubevirt:==1.0.0

See Ansible Using collections for more details.

Installing the Collection with the Ansible package

Because the collection is shipped with Ansible, if you install the ansible package, the collection will be installed authomatically.

If you install the ansible-core package, you will need to intall the collection manually. Refer to the paragraph above.

More information

For more information about Ansible's Kubernetes integration, join the #ansible-kubernetes IRC channel on, and browse the resources in the Kubernetes Working Group Community wiki page.


GNU General Public License v3.0 or later.

See LICENSE to see the full text.