This is a full-stack React web application for administrating and managing TAs for McGill University. Consists of a TA rating system for students, a TA performance tracking system for professors. Also, a TA admin dashboard for administrators that displays all the TAs in the system along with their registration information, previous courses they've assisted, and a control panel to assign them to new courses. The admin dashboard also flags courses in the system that require TAs to be assigned.
We were awarded as the winners for the Fall 2022 Web Development Competition for McGill University under Joseph Vybihal!
URL - must be on campus WIFI or McGill VPN:
email: [email protected]
password: password
You may login as any User on the Users tab with their corresponding email. All passwords for this site are "password".
For all CSV imports, please follow the format in the sample upload files (or use the provided files themselves).
This is necessary for it to work especially for the features which no template was provided by the professor.
- Anthony Kumar (Leader)
- Arthur Monnier
- Yvona Acimovic