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updates to scripts, user role functions, added lots of extensions
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jamessantiago committed Dec 31, 2013
1 parent 784a755 commit d979f44
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Showing 16 changed files with 725 additions and 42 deletions.
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion MMBot.Core/Adapters/ConsoleAdapter.cs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ public ConsoleAdapter(Robot robot, ILog logger, string adapterId)
: base(robot, logger, adapterId)
_user = robot.GetUser("ConsoleUser", "ConsoleUser", "Console", adapterId);
_user.AddRole(robot, "admin");

public async override Task Run()
Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion MMBot.Core/Brain.cs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
using System.Reactive.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Akavache;

namespace MMBot
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -52,7 +53,7 @@ private static string GetKey(string key)

public async Task Set<T>(string key, T value)
_cache.InsertObject(GetKey(key), value);
await _cache.InsertObject(GetKey(key), value);

public async Task Remove<T>(string key)
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186 changes: 185 additions & 1 deletion MMBot.Core/Extensions/DateTimeExtensions.cs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
using System;
using System.Text;

namespace MMBot
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -79,6 +80,189 @@ public static string GetRelativeTime(this DateTime d)
Math.Ceiling((double)dayDiff / 7));
return null;

public static long ToEpochTime(this DateTime dt, bool toMilliseconds = false)
var seconds = (long)(dt - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)).TotalSeconds;
return toMilliseconds ? seconds * 1000 : seconds;

/// <summary>
/// Returns a unix Epoch time if given a value, and null otherwise.
/// </summary>
public static long? ToEpochTime(this DateTime? dt)
dt.HasValue ?
(long?)ToEpochTime(dt.Value) :

/// <summary>
/// Converts to Date given an Epoch time
/// </summary>
public static DateTime ToDateTime(this long epoch)
return new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0).AddSeconds(epoch);

/// <summary>
/// Returns a humanized string indicating how long ago something happened, eg "3 days ago".
/// For future dates, returns when this DateTime will occur from DateTime.UtcNow.
/// </summary>
public static string ToRelativeTime(this DateTime dt, bool includeTime = true, bool asPlusMinus = false, DateTime? compareTo = null, bool includeSign = true)
var comp = (compareTo ?? DateTime.UtcNow);
if (asPlusMinus)
return dt <= comp ? ToRelativeTimePastSimple(dt, comp, includeSign) : ToRelativeTimeFutureSimple(dt, comp, includeSign);
return dt <= comp ? ToRelativeTimePast(dt, comp, includeTime) : ToRelativeTimeFuture(dt, comp, includeTime);
/// <summary>
/// Returns a humanized string indicating how long ago something happened, eg "3 days ago".
/// For future dates, returns when this DateTime will occur from DateTime.UtcNow.
/// If this DateTime is null, returns empty string.
/// </summary>
public static string ToRelativeTime(this DateTime? dt, bool includeTime = true)
if (dt == null) return "";
return ToRelativeTime(dt.Value, includeTime);

private static string ToRelativeTimePast(DateTime dt, DateTime utcNow, bool includeTime = true)
TimeSpan ts = utcNow - dt;
double delta = ts.TotalSeconds;

if (delta < 1)
return "just now";
if (delta < 60)
return ts.Seconds == 1 ? "1 sec ago" : ts.Seconds + " secs ago";
if (delta < 3600) // 60 mins * 60 sec
return ts.Minutes == 1 ? "1 min ago" : ts.Minutes + " mins ago";
if (delta < 86400) // 24 hrs * 60 mins * 60 sec
return ts.Hours == 1 ? "1 hour ago" : ts.Hours + " hours ago";

var days = ts.Days;
if (days == 1)
return "yesterday";
if (days <= 2)
return days + " days ago";
if (utcNow.Year == dt.Year)
return dt.ToString(includeTime ? "MMM %d 'at' %H:mmm" : "MMM %d");
return dt.ToString(includeTime ? @"MMM %d \'yy 'at' %H:mmm" : @"MMM %d \'yy");

private static string ToRelativeTimeFuture(DateTime dt, DateTime utcNow, bool includeTime = true)
TimeSpan ts = dt - utcNow;
double delta = ts.TotalSeconds;

if (delta < 1)
return "just now";
if (delta < 60)
return ts.Seconds == 1 ? "in 1 second" : "in " + ts.Seconds + " seconds";
if (delta < 3600) // 60 mins * 60 sec
return ts.Minutes == 1 ? "in 1 minute" : "in " + ts.Minutes + " minutes";
if (delta < 86400) // 24 hrs * 60 mins * 60 sec
return ts.Hours == 1 ? "in 1 hour" : "in " + ts.Hours + " hours";

// use our own rounding so we can round the correct direction for future
var days = (int)Math.Round(ts.TotalDays, 0);
if (days == 1)
return "tomorrow";
if (days <= 10)
return "in " + days + " day" + (days > 1 ? "s" : "");
// if the date is in the future enough to be in a different year, display the year
if (utcNow.Year == dt.Year)
return "on " + dt.ToString(includeTime ? "MMM %d 'at' %H:mmm" : "MMM %d");
return "on " + dt.ToString(includeTime ? @"MMM %d \'yy 'at' %H:mmm" : @"MMM %d \'yy");

private static string ToRelativeTimePastSimple(DateTime dt, DateTime utcNow, bool includeSign)
TimeSpan ts = utcNow - dt;
var sign = includeSign ? "-" : "";
double delta = ts.TotalSeconds;
if (delta < 1)
return "< 1 sec";
if (delta < 60)
return sign + ts.Seconds + " sec" + (ts.Seconds == 1 ? "" : "s");
if (delta < 3600) // 60 mins * 60 sec
return sign + ts.Minutes + " min" + (ts.Minutes == 1 ? "" : "s");
if (delta < 86400) // 24 hrs * 60 mins * 60 sec
return sign + ts.Hours + " hour" + (ts.Hours == 1 ? "" : "s");
return sign + ts.Days + " days";

private static string ToRelativeTimeFutureSimple(DateTime dt, DateTime utcNow, bool includeSign)
TimeSpan ts = dt - utcNow;
double delta = ts.TotalSeconds;
var sign = includeSign ? "+" : "";

if (delta < 1)
return "< 1 sec";
if (delta < 60)
return sign + ts.Seconds + " sec" + (ts.Seconds == 1 ? "" : "s");
if (delta < 3600) // 60 mins * 60 sec
return sign + ts.Minutes + " min" + (ts.Minutes == 1 ? "" : "s");
if (delta < 86400) // 24 hrs * 60 mins * 60 sec
return sign + ts.Hours + " hour" + (ts.Hours == 1 ? "" : "s");
return sign + ts.Days + " days";

public static string ToTimeStringMini(this TimeSpan span, int maxElements = 2)
var sb = new StringBuilder();
var elems = 0;
Action<string, int> add = (s, i) =>
if (elems < maxElements && i > 0)
sb.AppendFormat("{0:0}{1} ", i, s);
add("d", span.Days);
add("h", span.Hours);
add("m", span.Minutes);
add("s", span.Seconds);
add("ms", span.Milliseconds);

if (sb.Length == 0) sb.Append("0");

return sb.ToString().Trim();

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