Statsd agent to monitor CPU, Memory, Disk and Network based on Node JS and Typescript
Before all, install Node js >v13.x.x with npm
git clone
- cd statsd-system-agent
- npm install
- npm run build
- npm run start
The agent will starts and statistics will sends to specified address, by default stored in /tmp/config.custom
> [email protected] start
> node --experimental-specifier-resolution=node dist/app.js
Loading configuration...
3 monitors loaded.
Start collecting statistics...
Start sending statistics...
"monitorNames":["cpu-monitor","memory-monitor","network-monitor"], # list of monitors
"collectStatisticsInterval":10000, # collect interval
"sendStatisticsInterval":10000, # send interval
"prefix":"test_prefix", # top level prefix under stats.gauges
"env":"production", # next level folder under gauges
"host":"localhost", # statsd ip address
"debug":false # debug mode