Pipelines to parse plain text files using either the Berkeley neural parser or the Berkeley parser. Both models are trained on IcePaHC.
The two pipelines and the Berkeley neural parser are licensed under the MIT license while the Berkeley parser is licensed under GPLv2.
The pipeline requires both Python 3.6>= and Java. Once both programs have been installed, the rest of the dependencies can be installed. Run ./setup.sh
to install all necessary dependencies. All dependencies are listed below.
Download the parsing model from here (2.2 GB) and save under the /tools/neuralParser/ directory. Make sure not to change the name of the model. Run the command:
$ ./runallNeural.sh inputfile.txt textOutputfile.txt outputfile.psd
file1: plain text input
file2: plain text output, split into matrix clauses
file3: parsed .psd file formatted like IcePaHC
Run the command:
$ ./runall.sh inputfile.txt textOutputfile.txt outputfile.psd
file1: plain text input
file2: plain text output, split into matrix clauses
file3: parsed .psd file formatted like IcePaHC
-- package detectormorse (pip3 install detectormorse)
Additional dependencies needed for the neural parsing pipeline:
-- package tokenizer (pip3 install tokenizer)
Cython (pip3 install cython)
numpy (pip3 install numpy)
PyTorch version 0.4.1 or 1.0/1.1 (pip3 install torch==1.1.0 torchvision==0.3.0)
pytorch-pretrained-bert (pip3 install pytorch-pretrained-bert)