Sample Full Stack Chat Room App with
- [React] ( Client
- [React-Redux] ( Client
- [Redux-Socket-io] ( Client Socket
- [Babel] ( ES6 Standards
- [Eslint] ( ES6 & React Linter
- [Webpack] ( Bundler
- [Express] ( Server
- [] ( Server Socket
- [Redis] ( Store Pub Sub
Used third party tools:
- [React-Alert] ( Alert Component
- [React-Linkify] ( Linkify Parser Component for chat box
- [uid] ( UID generator
- Create private chat Room
- Share chat room with url
- Select username
- Join with shared url
- Re-Join on connection problems
- Inform with user actions (Join & Left)
- [Node.Js] ( >= 5.0
- [Redis-Server] (
Run the following commands to install the app:
git clone
cd react-chat-app
npm install
Run the following command to start API server:
npm run start-server
You can customise redis creds. If you are using local redis server no need to modify.
If requires, make alterations on:
"host": "localhost",
"port": 6379,
"url": null
After server is up. Run the following command to build bundle in production:
npm run build
App is running in production at http://localhost:5000
After server is up. Run the following commands to start webpack development server:
npm start
App is running in development at http://localhost:8888