The PostGres dialect uses the driver, which passes the compatibility test suite.
A valid PostGres connection string should be set on the environmental variable SOL_TEST_POSTGRES
. An example:
SOL_TEST_POSTGRES="host=localhost port=5432 dbname=sol_test user=postgres password=secret sslmode=disable" go test
If the environmental variable is empty, the test will default to a Travis CI connection string, which will likely panic on your local system.
Docker hub provides an official PostGres image. A container can be started with:
docker run -p 5432:5432 --name postgres \
-e "POSTGRES_DB=sol_test" -d postgres:latest
Then change the host of the connection string to the default Docker machine and run tests, for example:
SOL_TEST_POSTGRES="host=<DOCKER HOST> port=5432 dbname=sol_test user=postgres sslmode=disable" go test