Simply run ./
to run the app, this will create a docker image and run the image for you.
Host will be http://localhost:8000
- Conda (recommended for creating a virtual environment)
Install Conda (if not already installed):
Follow the instructions at Conda Installation.
Create Conda virtual environment:
$ conda env create -f environment.yml
Poetry is used for dependency management, the pyproject.toml
file is what is the most important, it will orchestrate the project and its dependencies.
You can update the file pyproject.toml
for adding/removing dependencies by using
$ poetry add <pypi-dependency-name> # e.g poetry add numpy
$ poetry remove <pypi-dependency-name> # e.g. poetry remove numpy
You might want to update the poetry.lock
file after manually modifying pyproject.toml
with poetry lock
command. To update all dependencies, use poetry update
There is a library aodn_cloud_optimised
, which referencing direct AODN's GitHub repository as source instead of PyPi
. It is written by PO to access
cloud optimized data. Please do not access S3 directly and should via this library.
Right now the version is always main
branch which is not idea, we should be able to use tag version
aodn_cloud_optimised = { git = "", branch = "main" }
Activate Conda virtual environment:
$ conda activate data-access-service
Install dependencies using Poetry:
# after cloning the repo with git clone command $ cd data-access-service $ poetry install
# You should not need to install lib locally, if your python version is correct. # sudo apt update sudo apt install -y -V ca-certificates lsb-release wget wget$(lsb_release --id --short | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z')/apache-arrow-apt-source-latest-$(lsb_release --codename --short).deb sudo apt install -y -V ./apache-arrow-apt-source-latest-$(lsb_release --codename --short).deb sudo apt update sudo apt install -y -V libarrow-dev # For C++ sudo apt install -y -V libarrow-glib-dev # For GLib (C) sudo apt install -y -V libarrow-dataset-dev # For Apache Arrow Dataset C++ sudo apt install -y -V libarrow-dataset-glib-dev # For Apache Arrow Dataset GLib (C) sudo apt install -y -V libarrow-acero-dev # For Apache Arrow Acero sudo apt install -y -V libarrow-flight-dev # For Apache Arrow Flight C++ sudo apt install -y -V libarrow-flight-glib-dev # For Apache Arrow Flight GLib (C) sudo apt install -y -V libarrow-flight-sql-dev # For Apache Arrow Flight SQL C++ sudo apt install -y -V libarrow-flight-sql-glib-dev # For Apache Arrow Flight SQL GLib (C) sudo apt install -y -V libgandiva-dev # For Gandiva C++ sudo apt install -y -V libgandiva-glib-dev # For Gandiva GLib (C) sudo apt install -y -V libparquet-dev # For Apache Parquet C++ sudo apt install -y -V libparquet-glib-dev # For Apache Parquet GLib (C) sudo apt install -y ninja-build
Run the app:
Host will be
.$ data-access-service
$ poetry run python data_access_service/
The command below is for manual checks; checks are also executed when you run git commit
The configurations for pre-commit hooks are defined in .pre-commit-config.yaml
pre-commit run --all-files
In the root directory of the project, create a .env
You can use one of the following profiles, set an environment variable call PROFILE
in .env
- dev (default)
- edge
- staging
- prod
Description | Endpoints | Param | Environment |
Formatted metadata | /api/v1/das/metadata/{uuid} | none | ALL |
Raw metadata | /api/v1/das/metadata/{uuid}/raw | none | ALL |
Subsetting | /api/v1/das/data/{uuid} | start_date=2023-12-25T14:30:00, end_date=2024-02-25T14:30:00, start_depth=-0.06, f=netcdf or json, columns=TIME&columns=DEPTH&columns=LONGITUDE&columns=LATITUDE (array of column return), is_to_index=true | ALL |
To run the tests for the project:
poetry run python -m unittest discover
This will discover and run all the test cases in your project.
If you have "ModuleNotFoundError" or similar issues, you may need to install dependencies before running the tests:
poetry install