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refactor adaptive extension class code creation: extract class Adapti…
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…veClassCodeGenerator (#3419)

* refactor adaptive extension class code creation:
extract createAdaptiveExtensionClassCode to class

* add some comment

* add license and comment

* remove main method
  • Loading branch information
wanghbxxxx authored and beiwei30 committed Feb 11, 2019
1 parent e9e176b commit 7a53a1b
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@@ -0,0 +1,381 @@
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.dubbo.common.extension;

import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.lang.reflect.Parameter;
import java.util.Arrays;

import org.apache.dubbo.common.URL;
import org.apache.dubbo.common.logger.Logger;
import org.apache.dubbo.common.logger.LoggerFactory;
import org.apache.dubbo.common.utils.StringUtils;

* Code generator for Adaptive class
public class AdaptiveClassCodeGenerator {

private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AdaptiveClassCodeGenerator.class);

private static final String CLASSNAME_INVOCATION = "org.apache.dubbo.rpc.Invocation";

private static final String CODE_PACKAGE = "package %s;\n";

private static final String CODE_IMPORTS = "import %s;\n";

private static final String CODE_CLASS_DECLARATION = "public class %s$Adaptive implements %s {\n";

private static final String CODE_METHOD_DECLARATION = "public %s %s(%s) %s {\n%s}\n";

private static final String CODE_METHOD_ARGUMENT = "%s arg%d";

private static final String CODE_METHOD_THROWS = "throws %s";

private static final String CODE_UNSUPPORTED = "throw new UnsupportedOperationException(\"The method %s of interface %s is not adaptive method!\");\n";

private static final String CODE_URL_NULL_CHECK = "if (arg%d == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(\"url == null\");\n%s url = arg%d;\n";

private static final String CODE_EXT_NAME_ASSIGNMENT = "String extName = %s;\n";

private static final String CODE_EXT_NAME_NULL_CHECK = "if(extName == null) "
+ "throw new IllegalStateException(\"Failed to get extension (%s) name from url (\" + url.toString() + \") use keys(%s)\");\n";

private static final String CODE_INVOCATION_ARGUMENT_NULL_CHECK = "if (arg%d == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(\"invocation == null\"); "
+ "String methodName = arg%d.getMethodName();\n";

private static final String CODE_EXTENSION_ASSIGNMENT = "%s extension = (%<s)%s.getExtensionLoader(%s.class).getExtension(extName);\n";

private final Class<?> type;

private String defaultExtName;

public AdaptiveClassCodeGenerator(Class<?> type, String defaultExtName) {
this.type = type;
this.defaultExtName = defaultExtName;

* test if given type has at least one method annotated with <code>SPI</code>
private boolean hasAdaptiveMethod() {
return -> m.isAnnotationPresent(Adaptive.class));

* generate and return class code
public String generate() {
// no need to generate adaptive class since there's no adaptive method found.
if (!hasAdaptiveMethod()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("No adaptive method exist on extension " + type.getName() + ", refuse to create the adaptive class!");

StringBuilder code = new StringBuilder();

Method[] methods = type.getMethods();
for (Method method : methods) {

if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
return code.toString();

* generate package info
private String generatePackageInfo() {
return String.format(CODE_PACKAGE, type.getPackage().getName());

* generate imports
private String generateImports() {
return String.format(CODE_IMPORTS, ExtensionLoader.class.getName());

* generate class declaration
private String generateClassDeclaration() {
return String.format(CODE_CLASS_DECLARATION, type.getSimpleName(), type.getCanonicalName());

* generate method not annotated with Adaptive with throwing unsupported exception
private String generateUnsupported(Method method) {
return String.format(CODE_UNSUPPORTED, method, type.getName());

* get index of parameter with type URL
private int getUrlTypeIndex(Method method) {
int urlTypeIndex = -1;
Class<?>[] pts = method.getParameterTypes();
for (int i = 0; i < pts.length; ++i) {
if (pts[i].equals(URL.class)) {
urlTypeIndex = i;
return urlTypeIndex;

* generate method declaration
private String generateMethod(Method method) {
String methodReturnType = method.getReturnType().getCanonicalName();
String methodName = method.getName();
String methodContent = generateMethodContent(method);
String methodArgs = generateMethodArguments(method);
String methodThrows = generateMethodThrows(method);
return String.format(CODE_METHOD_DECLARATION, methodReturnType, methodName, methodArgs, methodThrows, methodContent);

* generate method arguments
private String generateMethodArguments(Method method) {
Class<?>[] pts = method.getParameterTypes();
return IntStream.range(0, pts.length)
.mapToObj(i -> String.format(CODE_METHOD_ARGUMENT, pts[i].getCanonicalName(), i))
.collect(Collectors.joining(", "));

* generate method throws
private String generateMethodThrows(Method method) {
Class<?>[] ets = method.getExceptionTypes();
if (ets.length > 0) {
String list =", "));
return String.format(CODE_METHOD_THROWS, list);
} else {
return "";

* generate method URL argument null check
private String generateUrlNullCheck(int index) {
return String.format(CODE_URL_NULL_CHECK, index, URL.class.getName(), index);

* generate method content
private String generateMethodContent(Method method) {
Adaptive adaptiveAnnotation = method.getAnnotation(Adaptive.class);
StringBuilder code = new StringBuilder(512);
if (adaptiveAnnotation == null) {
return generateUnsupported(method);
} else {
int urlTypeIndex = getUrlTypeIndex(method);

// found parameter in URL type
if (urlTypeIndex != -1) {
// Null Point check
} else {
// did not find parameter in URL type

String[] value = getMethodAdaptiveValue(adaptiveAnnotation);

boolean hasInvocation = hasInvocationArgument(method);


code.append(generateExtNameAssignment(value, hasInvocation));
// check extName == null?


// return statement

return code.toString();

* generate code for variable extName null check
private String generateExtNameNullCheck(String[] value) {
return String.format(CODE_EXT_NAME_NULL_CHECK, type.getName(), Arrays.toString(value));

* generate extName assigment code
private String generateExtNameAssignment(String[] value, boolean hasInvocation) {
// TODO: refactor it
String getNameCode = null;
for (int i = value.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
if (i == value.length - 1) {
if (null != defaultExtName) {
if (!"protocol".equals(value[i])) {
if (hasInvocation) {
getNameCode = String.format("url.getMethodParameter(methodName, \"%s\", \"%s\")", value[i], defaultExtName);
} else {
getNameCode = String.format("url.getParameter(\"%s\", \"%s\")", value[i], defaultExtName);
} else {
getNameCode = String.format("( url.getProtocol() == null ? \"%s\" : url.getProtocol() )", defaultExtName);
} else {
if (!"protocol".equals(value[i])) {
if (hasInvocation) {
getNameCode = String.format("url.getMethodParameter(methodName, \"%s\", \"%s\")", value[i], defaultExtName);
} else {
getNameCode = String.format("url.getParameter(\"%s\")", value[i]);
} else {
getNameCode = "url.getProtocol()";
} else {
if (!"protocol".equals(value[i])) {
if (hasInvocation) {
getNameCode = String.format("url.getMethodParameter(methodName, \"%s\", \"%s\")", value[i], defaultExtName);
} else {
getNameCode = String.format("url.getParameter(\"%s\", %s)", value[i], getNameCode);
} else {
getNameCode = String.format("url.getProtocol() == null ? (%s) : url.getProtocol()", getNameCode);

return String.format(CODE_EXT_NAME_ASSIGNMENT, getNameCode);

* @return
private String generateExtensionAssignment() {
return String.format(CODE_EXTENSION_ASSIGNMENT, type.getName(), ExtensionLoader.class.getSimpleName(), type.getName());

* generate method invocation statement and return it if necessary
private String generateReturnAndInovation(Method method) {
String returnStatement = method.getReturnType().equals(void.class) ? "" : "return ";

String args =", "));

return returnStatement + String.format("extension.%s(%s);\n", method.getName(), args);

* test if method has argument of type <code>Invocation</code>
private boolean hasInvocationArgument(Method method) {
Class<?>[] pts = method.getParameterTypes();
return -> CLASSNAME_INVOCATION.equals(p.getName()));

* generate code to test argument of type <code>Invocation</code> is null
private String generateInvocationArgumentNullCheck(Method method) {
Class<?>[] pts = method.getParameterTypes();
return IntStream.range(0, pts.length).filter(i -> CLASSNAME_INVOCATION.equals(pts[i].getName()))
.mapToObj(i -> String.format(CODE_INVOCATION_ARGUMENT_NULL_CHECK, i, i))

* get value of adaptive annotation or if empty return splitted simple name
private String[] getMethodAdaptiveValue(Adaptive adaptiveAnnotation) {
String[] value = adaptiveAnnotation.value();
// value is not set, use the value generated from class name as the key
if (value.length == 0) {
String splitName = StringUtils.camelToSplitName(type.getSimpleName(), ".");
value = new String[]{splitName};
return value;

* get parameter with type <code>URL</code> from method parameter:
* <p>
* test if parameter has method which returns type <code>URL</code>
* <p>
* if not found, throws IllegalStateException
private String generateUrlAssignmentIndirectly(Method method) {
Class<?>[] pts = method.getParameterTypes();

// find URL getter method
for (int i = 0; i < pts.length; ++i) {
for (Method m : pts[i].getMethods()) {
String name = m.getName();
if ((name.startsWith("get") || name.length() > 3)
&& Modifier.isPublic(m.getModifiers())
&& !Modifier.isStatic(m.getModifiers())
&& m.getParameterTypes().length == 0
&& m.getReturnType() == URL.class) {
return generateGetUrlNullCheck(i, pts[i], name);

// getter method not found, throw
throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to create adaptive class for interface " + type.getName()
+ ": not found url parameter or url attribute in parameters of method " + method.getName());


* 1, test if argi is null
* 2, test if argi.getXX() returns null
* 3, assign url with argi.getXX()
private String generateGetUrlNullCheck(int index, Class<?> type, String method) {
// Null point check
StringBuilder code = new StringBuilder();
code.append(String.format("if (arg%d == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(\"%s argument == null\");\n",
index, type.getName()));
code.append(String.format("if (arg%d.%s() == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(\"%s argument %s() == null\");\n",
index, method, type.getName(), method));

code.append(String.format("%s url = arg%d.%s();\n", URL.class.getName(), index, method));
return code.toString();


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