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@villebro villebro released this 30 Aug 06:08
· 8583 commits to master since this release

Hello Community,

The Apache Superset team is pleased to announce that Superset1.3.0 has just been released.

Apache Superset is a modern, enterprise-ready business intelligence web application.

Superset 1.3 focuses on hardening and polishing the superset user experience, with tons of UX improvements and bug fixes focused on charts, dashboards, and the new dashboard-native filters.

One major goal of this release is to improve and harden dashboard-native filters. These filters live at the dashboard level instead of within a chart and affect all charts under their scope within a dashboard. Improvements in this release include clearer visual indicators of what charts are within the scope of a selected filter.

If you have any usage questions, or have problems when upgrading or
find any problems about enhancements included in this release, please
don't hesitate to let us know by sending feedback to this mailing

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