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Put xercesImpl and xml-apis into the tarball. There is probably a bet… #96

Put xercesImpl and xml-apis into the tarball. There is probably a bet…

Put xercesImpl and xml-apis into the tarball. There is probably a bet… #96

Workflow file for this run

name: CI
- '*'
- '*'
contents: read
# GitHub Actions does not support Docker, PostgreSQL server on Windows, macOS :(
# On master/release, we don't want any jobs cancelled so the sha is used to name the group
# On PR branches, we cancel the job if new commits are pushed
# More info:
group: ${{ github.ref == 'refs/heads/trunk' && format('ci-main-{0}', github.sha) || format('ci-main-{0}', github.ref) }}
cancel-in-progress: true
name: 'Java 8'
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: 'Checkout xalan-java'
uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: 'Set up JDK 8'
uses: actions/setup-java@v2
distribution: zulu
java-version: 8
- name: 'Build Xalan jars'
run: |
mvn --no-transfer-progress clean compile site verify
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
name: 'Checkout xalan-test'
repository: apache/xalan-test
path: xalan-test
ref: master
- name: 'Cheat xalan-test up to be sibling of xalan-java'
run: |
mv xalan-test ..; ls ..
- name: 'Run xalan-test tests'
working-directory: ../xalan-test
# NOTE: "alltest" target includes conformance tests known not to run in Xalan,
# as well as having dependencies on some targets which have since been edited
# out. The following is our typical minimal build test as documented in README,
# minus conf.xsltc since that one is currently throwing four known failures and
# isn't set up to say "but that's not a regression".
# NOTE: Adjustments made for mvn build leaving things in a slightly different
# place than ant build did (and recreating /lib).
run: |
ls; ant -debug jar extensions.classes smoketest apitest -Dxalan.relpath=../xalan-java -Dparserjar=../xalan-java/lib/xercesImpl-2.12.2.jar -Dxml-apis.jar=../xalan-java/lib/xml-apis-1.4.01.jar
# fulldist isn't currently a separate target in the mvn build process
# We should make sure the equivalent is done.
# Note that the fullbuild binary distro has traditionally included
# xalan-test as a subdirectory; TODO REVIEW whether we can drop that.